Today's beer... "brewed with care and prayer."
That would be a Monks' Ale, which is brewed here in NM... by The Benedictine monks of the Monastery of Christ in the Desert, in Abiquiu. The friars have this to say about that:
That would be a Monks' Ale, which is brewed here in NM... by The Benedictine monks of the Monastery of Christ in the Desert, in Abiquiu. The friars have this to say about that:
Monks’Ale is an excellent session ale that is distinctively spicy with moderate fruity esters (particularly stone fruits).
The yeast lends a note of clove and in combination with the malts, hints of plum and apricot. The malts provide a distinct honeyish quality up front and round full middle. The malts and yeast provide a clean, crisp, dry, finish to Monks’ Ale.
Me? I like it quite a bit on first tasting. I can see myself doin' two or mebbe three of these this afternoon. It's taken me a while but I'm beginning to find some very high quality beers here in the Land of Entrapment Enchantment. This is one of 'em.