Saturday, September 04, 2010

Today's Happy Hour Soundtrack

We delayed Happy Hour until after today's game and are pleased to report we drank celebratory beers rather than those wherein we drown our sorrows.  The Irish are off to a good start this year.  Not a great start, but a good one.  A "W" beats an "L" on any given Saturday, of course.  It remains to be seen how ND will stack up against a ranked team... but they didn't look all that bad in the home opener.  Cierre Wood was particularly impressive... that dude can run the ball.  All in all, not a bad first game for Coach Kelly.  May I have another, Sir?

Apropos of college ball... the ONLY football, I should add... leave us not forget my usual, customary, and reasonable football post, since this is the first Saturday of the season.  Without further ado...

The Rules

I missed this today before I posted, but it would have fit right in with the lead two items in this morning’s post: “Time for the new rules for college football fandom.” Samples:
1. As a fan, you have to pick a school, one school, same as if you were filling out applications to, you know, go to school there. You may not be a fan of a conference, teams from a specific state, "West Coast football" or college football in general. Nobody is a fan of college football in general, not even Lee Corso. Nor may you root for Harvard and Yale, any more than you could matriculate at both places, unless you're really, really smart, in which case you're probably building prototype military surveillance nanobots in your MIT dorm room, and/or devising a computerized ranking system* to shame Jeff Sagarin.

1a. Under extenuating circumstances, however, you may have up to three Division I-A rooting allegiances, so long as the schools meet the following criteria:

(a) Your birthplace/family school – especially if an inheritance is at stake, or if a campus library bears your last name.
(b) Al(most)ma mater – the school you transferred from.
(c) The school that actually handed you a diploma. Or would have, if you hadn't finished three credits short.
(d) Your spouse's school, especially if the program is vastly superior to your own, or your spouse cares waaaay more than you do, in which case: good call on getting married!
(e) You're a bandwagon-jumping, low-self-esteem weenie and scurry from Notre Dame to Miami to Ohio State to USC to Boise State depending on the year, the polls and the amount of water flooding into the ship.

If you can't be true to a school, at least be true to your own weaselly nature.


4. If you attended a lower-division or NAIA school, you're allowed to pick a D-I school of your choice. But you must consistently root for that school year in and year out, and it's preferred that the school be geographically close to you.

4a. Or you can just root for Appalachian State every week.

4b. Notre Dame? How very original.


9. You are allowed to root freely against the following schools for no specific reasons: Notre Dame; Notre Dame in their puke-green jerseys; Notre Dame when playing on "Triumph of the Will"-shaming propaganda house organ NBC; USC; any school that plays its fight song approximately 4,387 times per game like USC; Michigan; Miami; Ohio State; any school like Ohio State with a pretentious "the" in front of its name, because otherwise how would we know which Ohio State university they were talking about?; any school coached by Steve Spurrier; any school coached by Nick Saban. (ed: I’d add “any team from Florida” to this list, but that’s a minor quibble.)

You may have noticed that I’m in the 4b fan category. Given that I never went to college, I’m free to root for the school of my choice, under rules Four and 1a (d) above, even if that means I root for my former spouse’s school (The Second Mrs. Pennington is a Notre Dame alumna). And I have been an ND fan for nearly 30 years now and don’t foresee any change in that status on the near or far horizons. It’s way too late to change allegiances at this point in life. While we’re at it, I should mention I’m a fan of, and root for, at least three schools, depending on who’s playing whom: ND, Michigan (the ten year living-in-Detroit connection), and Air Force. For reasons that should be obvious now. The only time I’m torn is when ND plays Air Force…and I well and truly don’t know what to do during that game. Very traumatic, that.

So, to the author of “The Rules,” especially Rule 4b: Put a sock in it. I like ‘em, otherwise.

Now you know why I'm an ND fan.


  1. Just not getting the Air Force connection. What am I missing?

    and I well and truly don’t know what to do during that game

    I suggest drinking.

  2. As long as I can root against any Florida team, I'm happy.

    Yeah, ND didn't look bad today, but confess I didn't see the entire game.

  3. Try having your nearest team be Minnesota. 50 years since they were a contender, and during many of those, they topped the Worst 20 list.

  4. Heh! I like those rulz. And, I totally agree that no fly-by-night fans should be allowed to even watch The Only Sport That Really Matters.

    I know I'll get an argument from ya' on the hockey deal, but to each they own.

    I root for two teams, one obviously being LSU...who stunk up the Georgia Dome last night btw. I'll swear, North Carolina really sucks. When you come in with half your team suspended, outgain a team by about a million yards, and drop two winning TDs at the end, you really suck!

    So, we really, really suck this least at this point. Crud.

    I also root for Louisiana Tech (where I attended, but did not graduate).

    But, I am also a fan of the Southeast Conference (the Championship Conference), and always pull for our teams to destroy teams from the other insignificant ones, such as the Pac-10, and Big 10(11).

    I only really hate a few schools. I've mentioned them before, so no need for any further flogging.

    So, that is the only rule I'd have to take issue with the fellow on. Enjoyable read.

  5. I am so glad you re-posted this! (And ND did well yesterday!)

    In the "any school that plays its fight song approximately 4,387 times per game like USC" category, I'd have to add Texas. Pepper changed channels several times yesterday just to avoid hearing that incessant fight song. Hailing back to the Southwestern Conference Days, we Arkies have alternate lyrics to the "Texas Fight" words, but, being in mixed company, I won't go there.

    It's football season!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh, and thanks. Now I have that Notre Dame Fight Song stuck in my head.

  6. I suggest drinking.

    Beer and football. Inseparable. The ND/AF thing was easier when TSMP and I were still together, given ur alliances and history. That was IF she watched the game with me. Big IF, that... the girl wasn't much on football.

    As long as I can root against any Florida team, I'm happy.

    You and me, Kath! You and Me!!!

    I know I'll get an argument from ya' on the hockey deal, but to each they own.

    Yes, you MOST certainly will. College ball is Number Two... of the only two sports that matter.

    I watched your Tiggers last night, Andy, and you're right: the second half was a real debacle for LSU. You're VERY fortunate to have won that one.

    In the "any school that plays its fight song approximately 4,387 times per game like USC" category, I'd have to add Texas.

    And Oklahoma. Boomer-Frickin'-Sooner gets REAL damned old about three minutes into the first quarter,if not before. Thank GOD for mute buttons.

    And Moogie... we can handle alternative lyrics. We're all Big Boys and Girls here, and doubtless we have a few of our own, too. Post 'em if ya got 'em!

    As far as ear-worms go... Michigan's fight song is another one that sticks. I hope I don't hear too much of it next weekend... ;-)

    Finally: your Hogs done good yesterday!

  7. Dang. Omitted my reply to Gordon... You CAN choose another team, Gordon, unless you LIKE the suffering. It's in "The Rules."

  8. I don't seem to have the football fever yet - still too hot. And yes, Boomer Sooner sucks most any time. Living here, I get more than My share of OU. Lots of the OU fans I know have no reason (listed) to cheer for OU. They are almost as obnoxious as TU fans. I don't think I'm ready for this.

  9. Lots of the OU fans I know have no reason (listed) to cheer for OU. They are almost as obnoxious as TU fans.

    More so, IMHO. I base this on living in OKC for two and a half years and having to endure the gloating after a win or the whining excuses after a loss EVERY frickin' Monday in the office. It got supremely frickin' old, every year. Ohio State fans take my cake in the "most obnoxious" fan category, but it's a tie, actually. If I still lived in OKC it would be those damned Boomer-Sooner idjits, by a mile.

  10. Buck, Warning: long comment ahead. Pardon me while I ramble a bit.

    First, Baseball is the only sport that matters and if you disagree with me (like Gutfield says) you're an unAmerican racist. I'm a loyal Cubs fan (16 years now) but I hear the Atlanta Braves siren song this year real loud (the Cubs are mastersucks this year).

    Still I like football. I gradjiated from Middle TN State U and I still follow their football fortunes semi regularly. I say semi because nothing much is regular with me anymore, if'n you know what I mean.

    Anyhoo, way back in my teens I followed all of Vanderbilt sports (well, football, basketball, and baseball) and when I was in Junior High I even sold hot dogs at Dudley field (Vanderbilt's stadium). They actually had some pretty good teams in those days, from 53-58. So there's that connection. All of my graduate school work was done at what then called George Peabody College for Teachers. They had a golf team and a tennis team, but no head bangers. As a matter of fact, one of the things you sometimes heard about the Big Pea was that it was the school where the "girls are girls and the boys are too." Not exactly relevant I know, but I thought I would throw that in there. Later, Peabody, though a school with a national reputation for teachers, got in financial trouble, and Vandy picked Peabody up (assimilated them, bought them out, whatevedr). So now Peabody is the Vanderbilt college of Education.

    To make a long story a little shorter, I'm a Vandy fan. They almost never win anything in football although they do upset a few SEC teams sometimes. How do I know I'm still a diehard Vandy fan? I would not pull for that "University" up there in Knoxville under any circumstances whatsoever.

    Thanks for letting me ramble.

  11. First, Baseball is the only sport that matters and if you disagree with me (like Gutfield says) you're an unAmerican racist.

    Heh. I suppose it's not called "America's Pastime" for nuthin', eh? Thanks for the background and info on The Big Pea. It's good to have powerful connections with the team you root for. I once worked for a Vandy alumnus and he was a pretty serious fan... journeying all the way from Rochester NY to Vandy for homecoming every year. He sent his first-born there, too.


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