Sunday, September 05, 2010

Pretty Cool

This is what my in-box looked like this morning when I fired up the 'puter:

Google's update fairies came by late last night and blessed me with g-mail's new "prioritized" in-box.  Since Google does the 'splainin' better than I could...

I don't get a lot of e-mail these days... not compared to the three or four hundred e-mails I got every frickin'  day when I was working... and I sure could have used a "priority" in-box back then.  Well, I did have a priority system, of sorts.  It was called the "delete" key and approximately half of my daily e-mail traffic was deleted, unread.  I could go off on a rant here about e-mail, stupid e-mail users, and corporate spam but I won't.  Anyone and everyone in the working world knows what I'm on about.

The only thing I don't like about g-mail's priority system is it puts your starred mail in your in-box.  I've been using the star feature for years... I use it to flag certain messages I don't want to have to search for, which is different than g-mail's "I'll get back to this later" ideer.  But: no biggie.  You can minimize the starred portion of your in-box, and I've done just that.  All in all?  I like it.  I like g-mail a lot, too... mainly coz it has the BEST spam filter, evah.

And now to read today's mail.


  1. Pretty cool. I don't use my gmail account much, but it does forward to my doppelganger account.

    What I don't understand is why Facebook sends notification from time to time, then quits unexpectedly, then starts back up again. It's alive, I tell you, alive!

  2. Ah... Facebook. I have issues with that app and left it about a year (or so) ago. But you can't just quit Facebook... it remains, albeit in an inactive state. I think that's insidious, at best, and downright eeeevil, at worst. But g-mail? Me likee!

  3. I heard of someone declaring "email bankruptcy" at work. His inbox was so full, that he sent out an email to everyone in his address book declaring that he was going to delete everything in his inbox. If they had important business for him, they needed to resend.

  4. Buck, this is the second post I have read about the Priority system Gooble has, and both have been thumbs up.

    Man, those guys are good.

    When I get two spare minutes to rub together, I'm gonna dig in to it.

    As to the above post...well, I hope things get straightened out. I really do.

  5. BR: "E-mail bankruptcy" is a danged good idea, not mention clever. Kudos to that guy, whoever he or she is.

    Andy: The Googlers ARE good, ain't they? re: the other. Thanks for the kind thoughts but I'm afraid "things" will never get straightened out.

  6. I like the email bankruptcy idea, too! Pretty clever.


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