Sunday, September 05, 2010

Today's Happy Hour Soundtrack

Pandora kicked this out during today's Happy Hour... to wit:

Since I'm feelin' rather charitable today... as opposed to mean-spirited... we'll post the tune.

Here's a Not-So-Secret message to a former spouse, all others should disregard.  I strongly suspect you have blocked my e-mails based on our recent, regrettable, and acrimonious e-mail exchange.  This is NOT a good ideer coz there will be times when I need to contact you concerning our son, to wit... Tri-Care issues, schooling, and the like.  I base this assumption on the fact you didn't have the courtesy to acknowledge my replies to YOUR recent e-mails or answer my questions concerning same.  I wouldn't go public with this if I thought you were reading my e-mail... see "acknowledgment," above... but I know you read the blog.  Have no fear... I will play by your rules and will only contact you when absolutely necessary.  But have some common courtesy at the very least when YOU choose to contact ME.  End o' message.

1 comment:

  1. I deleted your comment, Paula. You were over the line and this is MY house. If you want to sling mud, do it privately.

    That said: noted but not agreed. You got a LOT of the details wrong, but perception is reality. YOUR reality, not mine.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.