Tuesday, September 07, 2010

We Are Excited!

Just received this...
Greetings from Amazon.com.

We thought you'd like to know that we shipped your items, and that this

completes your order.  Your order is being shipped and cannot be changed
by you or by our customer service department.
Followed by this...
Dear Norman E Pennington,

Congratulations on your purchase and welcome to Amazon Kindle.

We built Kindle with the goal of creating an exceptional and hassle-free reading experience. As such, we wanted to point out a few details before you get started.

Your Kindle is automatically registered to the same Amazon.com account you used to make your purchase. This enables you to shop, purchase, and download books, newspapers and magazines wirelessly from your Kindle right out of the box.


You can start building your library before your Kindle even arrives by shopping for books, newspapers, magazines and more at the Kindle Store on Amazon.com. Amazon's unique wireless delivery system, Amazon Whispernet, will auto-deliver your purchases directly to your Kindle. Once you receive your Kindle, you can also shop the same great selection directly from your device. 
Oh, wow.  The anticipation is building... and we are in need of GREAT restraint at this very moment.  Because we could go freakin' wild in the Kindle store.  God save us.


  1. I have been restrained, surprisingly. Only two books purchased so far.

  2. I've been browsing for the last hour or so... and SEVERAL things are tempting me. But no purchases, so far.

  3. Ah...the library building of the e-books. I admire your restraint Buck...so far I have not been that controlled!

  4. Interesting...my wife just ordered her's this past weekend. She's excited too!

  5. Keep us posted on the results. I'm still rather fond of being able to turn the page, but one never knows.

  6. Have fun with your new Kindle Buck. I should know this but don't: How much does the average Kindle edition cost?

    Seems like I remember reading somewhere that they were in the $9.99 category or has that all changed?

  7. So, I have a question. Which version did you buy, and why? I've noticed that the 3G is much more expensive than the others, and since I'm thinking of buying one, I wonder if I need it or could do just as well with the other, less expensive one.

  8. I admire your restraint Buck...so far I have not been that controlled!

    It's not so much the books as it is the periodicals, Kris. Books, too... don't get me wrong... but things like the WSJ and such. Dunno why I'm thinking of those for the Kindle when I've successfully resisted the on-line computer versions.

    Mushy: Good on her! I waited until the price-point dropped below $200.00.

    BR: I most definitely will update...

    Dan: You heard correctly. Some books, e.g., the newest "best sellers" are more, and periodicals have a monthly charge. And a lot of stuff in the public domain is free, too.

    Staci: I went with the 3G version, mainly coz I don't have wi-fi... and I didn't want to have to go down to the coffee shop or elsewhere to update and/or buy new stuff. If you have a router in your house you could prolly get by with the wi-fi version just as easily as the 3G. The 3G version also has obvious advantages if you travel.

  9. Did you say the screen is lit? That's what I would need the most --well, that and bigger print.

    Also the cover that you and -- perhaps Andy -- had talked about before, is that like a book cover, so people next to you can't read your stuff?

  10. The screen isn't lit in a conventional sense, Kath. But I don't think it needs being lit... so far. And the cover... at least the ones I've seen... is just a protective device for the Kindle, rather than a screen.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.