Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Screech Engrish, Prease!

I've been overwhelmed with spam since turning word verification off, but that's OK.  Blogger's newish automated spam filter (new to me, as of three days ago) is pretty good at catching that shit and the fact I moderate comments now (reminder: against my will) means even those onsies and twosies that get by the spam filter don't see the light of your day, Gentle Reader.

That said... this lil bit of Engrish I found in the spam trap made me smile...
You already skilled in that a multitude is someone that facilitates an incident, or a raison d'etre, like the horde at a party, or an emcee on the tranny or TV.  In our in the event that, a pack involves a computer that is setup to direction the networking and communications necessary to make allowance a Cobweb Situation to flaunt custom formatted documents on the Dialect birth deliver Extensive Web.

Typically, these documents are formatted using a idiosyncratic vernacular called HTML (Hypertext Markup Jargon) that supports mouse click connections to other almost identical documents on the Area Encyclopedic Web.  These HTML documents are normally called Network Pages, and you are looking at one such page these days in your browser window. To detain track of these Web pages in an organized manner, individual and typical of areas are set-aside benefit of them called Trap Sites.
A website may hold one web page or thousands. Websites are stored on computers that are connected to the Internet and setup to communicate their contents to the lie-down of the Internet.  The people and companies that control these special computers are called Web Hosts.  The computers that manage the Web Hosting chores are called Servers, and they may serve any host of Web sites, unified or even hundreds. A spider web emcee ensures that the Web Servers that restrict the Web Sites are functioning duly all of the time.  That may incorporate adding a patron's Web sites to the Servers, pathetic Net sites from ditty Server to another, deleting dusty Spider's web Sites, monitoring the amount of Internet traffic and labour enchanting niche and a multitude of other tasks required to ensure tranquil operation.  Web hosting companies come in diverse shapes and sizes, and assorted specialize in certain types of Hosting.
That also took the cake for longest spam comment I've ever seen, left-wing trolls excepted.  Here's the whole thing:



  1. "...the Dialect birth deliver Extensive Web."

    That could take some analyzating.

  2. It is probably because you are such a popular site that you get such interesting spam :)

  3. That could take some analyzating.

    So could "an emcee on the tranny."

    Lou: Yeah... we're REAL popular in certain circles, just like "dusty Spider's web Sites." That's US!

  4. Buck, I know you've gone to moderation for now. That will one day not be necessary, so I will AGAIN lodge my opinion on this. Blogger's spam filter is really aces up.

    I do get the spam comments via e-mail, but at this point not one of the many dozens of them have actually appeared on the blog.

    I keep checking though...just in case. Just as a side note...if someone has subscribed to follow-up comments (as I always do), they will also get the e-mail with the spam in it.

    I guess it's a hitch that Gooble/Blogger/whoever needs to work on. But, I'm assuming that anyone that subscribes to follow-up comments can spot spam when they see it, and hit the delete button.

    I'm impressed. But, I guess you already knew that.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.