Friday, September 10, 2010

It's About Time

WASHINGTON (Sept. 10, 2010) -- Thursday, President Obama spoke with Staff Sgt. Salvatore Giunta to inform him that he will be awarded the Medal of Honor for acts of gallantry at the risk of his life that went above and beyond the call of duty.

Giunta will be the first living servicemember to be awarded the Medal of Honor for service in Iraq or Afghanistan. The President thanked Sergeant Giunta for his service and extraordinary bravery in battle.

Further information about the date and time of the ceremony will be released at a later date.
Congratulations, Sergeant Giunta.  I salute you, sir!

The fact we've been at war for nearly nine whole years and SSG Giunta is the first living recipient of the MoH does not reflect great credit on the United States' senior military leadership, up to and including the president... BOTH wartime presidents.  There are many troops who could have... and should have... been awarded the MoH instead of a Distinguished Service Cross or a Navy Cross.  The award of the Medal of Honor to SSG Giunta is something that has been long overdue, in principal.

I'm not taking anything away from SSG Giunta, far from it.  You can read the reason he's receiving the MoH at the link.

h/t:  Occasional Reader Katy.


  1. Buck, I wasn't aware of this. It does say something (very negative) about the military leadership and about the effect of politicizing a war. I'm sure there were other heroic actions by soldiers and sailors and airmen in these two conflicts who deserved this honor. It's unfortunate that they were shorted because of politics.

    BTW, how's the awning? Did you get that wind and hail?

  2. Thanks for sharing info Buck. You speak for me, also, on this matter.

  3. It's unfortunate that they were shorted because of politics.

    Indeed it IS. This situation has been a hot-button on numerous milblogs for quite some time. Things worked out with the awning yesterday... I furled it right after Happy Hour and missed the Big Winds when they came. Thanks for asking!

    BR: And thank YOU, sir!

  4. Airborne!

    And, as you note, about damned time.

  5. Most definitely about time, Moogie. Way passed time, actually.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.