Friday, September 10, 2010

Eat Shit and DIE, Onion!

OK... we're through.  This is the LAST time I embed your crappy stuff, Onion.

NHL Star Called Up To Big Leagues To Play For NFL Team

All kidding aside, The Onion makes a good point in a left-handed manner.  The world's fastest and toughest sport just don't get no respect from the Great Unwashed.  OTOH, I kinda like that being the elitist I'm prone to bein'.  On the other, other hand... The Onion could have gone with "Ovechkin to add toughness to Dolphin squad, other pussy NFL teams looking to the NHL for same."  Missed opportunities, and all that.  Just sayin'.

27 days!


  1. I was afraid you were gonna give me a LOT o' grief for this, Moogie. You're a good sport!

  2. Hate to do it, but it was good for a laugh. I could certainly pick apart the R-O-N-G wrongness of it, but why bother? Funny stuff.

    "Ovechkin to add toughness to Dolphin squad, other pussy NFL teams looking to the NHL for same."

    I do prefer your take.

  3. "What's he doing now?"

    Covering all things sports, and hockey, too!! Love it! :)

  4. You're right, Andy... the vid IS funny. I thought ya might like it. Lord knows it's just me 'n' you around here when it comes to hockey. ;-)

  5. Kath: Simultaneous commenting in play here. I didn't realized you'd commented on this until just now. And that's ALL I'll say. ;-)


Just be polite... that's all I ask.