Friday, December 04, 2009

I'm An Eco-Criminal. You Are, Too.

Although this article in New Scientist is UK-centric (written by Scots climate scientist (hunh?) David Reay), you might find "Five eco-crimes we commit every day" entertaining... if you get off on enviro-weenie misanthropic bombast. But there is humor there, of course.  And as you might expect... I'm guilty of numerous eco-crimes, including Numero Uno on Reay's eco-misdemeanor hit parade:
1 Coffee
(blah blah blah)
But the average cup of black filter coffee is still responsible for 125 grams of CO2 emissions. Of this, two-thirds comes from production and most of the rest from brewing.

Opting for the more prosaic joys of instant coffee reduces that figure to around 80 grams. Yet that still means a six-a-day caffeine habit clocks up more than 175 kilograms of CO2 each year. That's the equivalent of a flight across Europe - from London to Rome, say. Add milk, and the methane belched by dairy cows means you increase your coffee's climate-changing emissions by more than a third.

It doesn't end there, though. The environmental group WWF has calculated that it takes 200 litres of water to produce the coffee, milk, sugar and cup for just one regular takeout latte. So if everyone ditched their pre-work coffee fix that would do wonders for the planet.
Holy Crap!  I had NO ideer about the Gaia-pillage I'm responsible for!  I suppose I can disregard the last graf since I brew my 12 cups per day (minimum) at home, thus dispensing with at least four paper cups I'd need to hold that amount of eeevil brew if bought at Starbucks.  

But...assuming there's no statute of limitations on eco-crimes,
and why would there be?... I'm in deep kimchee for past offenses.  Said offenses being four grandes (that's "medium," in Starbucks-speak) every day, five days a week (and some Saturdays),  for two and a half years.  At a minimum.  Well, there are mitigating circumstances... coz I drank straight coffee and didn't do the lattes and caramel macchiato stuff... so deduct points accordingly.  That reduces the severity of the offense(s) considerably, I would think.  Except I'm still at least partly responsible for Juan Valdez and his cute little burro's eco-felonies.  I'm one of his chief accomplices.  He's grateful, too.
One more thing... who the Hell has time to calculate the environmental impact of  producing "the coffee, milk, sugar and cup for just one regular takeout latte?"  And what methods do they use?  Can I see the raw data?  What?  They threw it OUT?  Bastards!  I can't BELIEVE they did that!

Now ask me if I intend to quit.  And then there's...
5 Food wastage

Of all the facets of overconsumption that plague both human society and the global environment, food wastage is the most shocking. US households throw away around 30 per cent of their food, worth $48 billion every year. Similar levels of wastage are seen in Europe. In the UK, some 6.7 million tonnes of food is binned annually. Most of this joins the layers of unwanted clothing in landfill sites, where it decomposes, emitting the powerful greenhouse gas methane. Potatoes top the pile, with 359,000 tonnes going uneaten each year. Bread and apples are not far behind. Meat and fish are next, accounting for over 160,000 tonnes, followed by 78,000 tonnes of cooked rice and pasta. A staggering 4.8 billion grapes go the same way, as do 480 million yogurts and 200 million rashers of bacon. The annual cost to UK consumers of all this waste is £10 billion and the cost to the environment is the equivalent of an extra 15 million tonnes of CO2 (The Food We Waste, WRAP, 2008;
The cost of food wastage reverberates down the supply chain, increasing requirements for storage, transport and packaging. But the biggest impact by far comes in food production. For almost all the food we buy, the bulk of its greenhouse gas emissions arise here. This is especially true for meat and dairy produce. For example, 40,200 tonnes of milk are wasted each year in the UK, adding up to the equivalent of 40,000 tonnes of CO2. This is comparable to the annual CO2 emissions of 10,000 cars, or of flying 30,000 people from London to New York and back.
(blah blah blah)
Wasting food has always been an issue, to get serious for a moment.  I am ashamed at the amount of food I let spoil before I get around to consuming it. That said, I'm thinking it would cost quite a bit more for me to pack up my spoilage (before it goes bad, as if I would or could think that far ahead) and ship it off to Bangladesh or some other deprived third-world country... in both absolute (read as: shipping costs) and eco terms (read as: yet another gazillion tons of emissions and the addition to my carbon footprint).  And Mom's admonishment isn't lost on me, either: "Clean your plate! Think of all the starving kids in China!" (Chinese kids apparently have become well-fed since I was growing up; we worry about Bangladeshi and African kids now).  But how many millions of obese children are running around the US because Mom's concerned about the Bangladeshi?  Think about that!  I submit throwing out some food is preferable to the epidemic of juvenile diabetes and other overeating debilities... not to mention the aesthetics of adding more fat people to the population.  Oops. Major digression.

Still and even, I remain astounded that eco-weenies actually calculate the amount of methane emitted by decomposing food in landfills, among other things... like counting up 4.8 billion wasted grapes or weighing the aggragate amount of thrown out potatoes.  Sure they do.  I've seen 'em standing at the entrance to Waste Management plants/sites with their scales and clipboards, rummaging through every garbage truck that comes in.  More amazing is these numbers are presented as absolute fact, not "estimates" or in other  rational terms.  We're expected to believe this stuff?  Really? 

So... there's more, of course.  Own a widescreen teevee?  Eco-criminal!  Ever bought a plug-in air freshener or sat under a patio heater?  Gaia-raper!  And you people who let your kids take the Playstation along on road trips or opted for a factory-installed system in your (gasp!) SUV are due for a comeuppance, too.  You defilers, you!

I'm not making ANY of this up.  Chase the link and be amazed.


  1. Buck, today's eco-warrior make hash out of everything these days, they are simply against Human existence. They are only going to be happy when humanity returns to running around the plains in loincloths with spears and clubs at population level that Mother Earth herself can control. What whack-jobs they all are. Makes wanting to help the environment a hard thing to do.

    BT: Jimmy T sends.

  2. Never mind the loss of employment in the third world as we piously reduce our coffee intake!

    The religious zealotry in the so called eco movement cares nothing about people, or even the planet.

    Those maggot farmers who lead WWF (I liked them better when they were only running a wrestling federation) all take at least two showers a day, enjoy the odd three bottles of wine with dinner and drink bottled water.

    Lying liars who hate poor people.

  3. I grew up under the "clean plate rule" - obviously. But now I have chickens and dogs. Scraps are saved and fed to the animals. You would be surpised what a chicken will eat. They are also rolled around our pasture in their portable chicken condo so that they can eat bugs and grass, and then fertilize the pasture. Then we get out the big honkin' tractor and burn some fuel and kill some ozone to make up for whatever "green living" we did. It's a balance :)

  4. Our county does recycling. Uh-huh. You put your bin out -- and they'll give you as many bins as you want (the bins are made in Canada). But I was throwing my magazines and newspapers (Sunday paper only) in a box and putting it out on top of all the cans and bottles.

    They left me a note that said they can't take cardboard like that and to put the items in a paper bag or bind with string. Yeah. Ok. Fine.

    You know what the guy does when he comes to pick up?? Grabs your bin, goes to the truck and dumps it all in -- all together. And then drops your bin and kicks it back across the street to the end of your driveway. Nice.

    So when the bin finally got so cracked and destroyed I called for a replacement, which I received right away. But when I said do I just put the old one out to be taken, they said, Oh, no, it has to go in your garbage because that is not the kind of plastic to recycle.


  5. And how much snow? You were up at 3:00 a.m. writing, so where's the pictures, please. :)

  6. What, farting wasn't on the list? LOL! Guilty of all but the coffee (don't drink it here). Wonder how many resources they used up to come to their conclusions.

    Lou: right on with the tractor!!! LOL!

  7. "enviro-weenie misanthropic bombast"

    Easily the most bestest gathering of words I have read in a long, long time.

  8. The starving kids were in Korea, according to MY parents. Of course, being the wise-ass that I am, when they said, "There are starving children in Korea who would love to have your dinner!", I said, "Fine, Put it in a box and send it to them."

    The part of me that sat was not particularly comfortable at the dinner table for a couple of nights after that.

  9. I'd like to know the eco-impact of all these weenies sitting at their PCs making this shit up.

    Meanwhile, I'll be having a Grande Gingerbread Latte from Starbucks tonite. And I'll enjoy every sip without giving thought to the eco-impact.

    It's just coffee. Sheesh.

  10. I'd like to know the eco-impact of all these weenies sitting at their PCs making this shit up.

    Massive unemployment, for starters. To take just one example...

    So if everyone ditched their pre-work coffee fix that would do wonders for the planet.

    So now you've got the hundreds of thousands of people currently working for Starbucks, taking up their place on the unemployment line. CO2 content in the atmosphere holds steady at 0.038%...planet continues to survive so it must be "saved," but it was surviving before with 0.038% CO2...only difference is we have unemployed baristas.

    JimmyT has it right.

    Except I perceive there's a hostility directed toward tradition and manliness. Coffee is a pollutant because of milk and sugar. I clicked open the link to see if there was a salute to us meat-n-potatoes, change-your-own-oil, black-coffee types. But nooooooooo......

    It's just a bunch of destroyers, acting like they're creating or preserving something when they're really out to destroy things. Arguably the very essence of what post-modern liberalism is.

  11. Ah...there's yet more. Heh heh.

    Is it just me, or is there a sudden kicking-it-up-a-notch in the wake of Climategate? Kind of like a wounded leopard or elephant going all hyper after, when he was cornered but not yet wounded, he was relatively tranquil. Seems everything we do suddenly causes much more global warming, just over the last couple weeks since the you-know-what.

  12. Heh. I love you guys! And I'm so very grateful I'm small enough that the Lefties and eco-weenies haven't found me yet. Except for my favorite Leftie, Lori, of course. Who's slowly coming around.

    Jimmy: You're right... eco-weenies basically hate mankind. It's a frickin' religion, no two ways about it.

    Darryl sez: Lying liars who hate poor people.

    I'd amend that to say "ALL people," most especially themselves. There's a LOT of self-loathing in the rhetoric.

    Lou: You touch on something with your tractor comment... the weenies hate "industrial agriculture," too. Never mind that one American farmer feeds literally THOUSANDS of people... his carbon footprint is waaay too big and there are all those pesticides and fertilizer run-off, growth hormones, and genetically-engineered food to worry about. Yup, we should all buy a mule and plow the earth.

    Kath: Your recycling horror story brings to mind the year I lived in Berkeley. We had something like six different recycling bins behind my quad-plex... one each for paper/cardboard, one for green glass, one for brown glass, clear glass, a couple o' different ones for various PET-flavors of plastic, and recycling POLICE to monitor it all. I'm frickin' serious...

    re: the snow. I was actually up until 0630 this morning, but the sunrise wasn't anything to write home about... thus no pics. And the snow is nearly all gone, as I type. But my frickin' pipes are still frozen.

    Jenny: Farting IS on the list if you read between the lines... see cow, methane.

    Andy: Thank ya, sir!

    Jim: re: Korea. I think I told my kids "India." And your parents sound like mine when you talk about sensitive body parts. Except my Ol Man was usually quick with a pop in the mouth for verbal offenses...

    Kris: Enjoy your latte tonite... you miscreant, you.

    Morgan: Thanks for that link. The letter writer got her ass handed to her and deservedly so. Your other points are spot-on, too. Well, except maybe for your characterization about black coffee drinkers. I tend to think of you as aesthetically-deprived.

  13. Much of eastern New Mexico can expect wind chill values in the single digits through Friday morning. Precautionary/preparedness actions...

    Is that where you are?? Sounds just peachy!

  14. Yup... that's us! Although it's currently hovering just around freezing with a windchill of 26. Better than forecast, LOL!


Just be polite... that's all I ask.