Sunday, March 16, 2008

One Sick Puppy

That would be me of late.

I’ve been dealing with some sort of stomach bug and/or intestinal flu since late, late last Thursday night (very early Friday morning would be more accurate). Said bug has made it very difficult for me to remain vertical for very long without running for The Little Room. So… inter-tubes surfing and reading have been severely curtailed as a result. Things are looking a lil bit better today, so I hope to resume my regular schedule tomorrow.

I’m putting this up because I’ve received a couple of off-line inquiries from folks who know my posting habits, i.e., long-time readers. Thanks for your concern, and I appreciate it more than you know!


  1. I hope you feel better soon!

  2. Glad you are still with us and didn't blow away. Get better soon!!

  3. Have you been playing at the McDonald's playground again? You should know that place is a germaphobics nightmare.

    I have been worried about you, but I was thinking you may have had some work done on your teeth that caused problems. I knew it had to be something serious to keep you from blogging - or something extremely fun.

    I hope you get to feeling better soon. Rest up.

  4. Stay hydrated and get plenty of rest. The BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast) along with drinking way more water than I really wanted has always seen me through times of gastrointestinal ugliness.

    If you can't make it to the store to buy Gatorade or bananas, consider whipping up some homemade oral rehydration solution... eight teaspoons of sugar, one teaspoon of salt dissolved per quart of water.

  5. Dad,
    I hope you feel better soon.
    We love you!

  6. Oh sick puppy, I hope you feel better.....I know how you feel, at least in the being unable to resume normal life....


  7. I was hoping your absence from blogging didn't mean you had gotten sick, I'm so sorry, but thankful your getting better.God Bless Buck

  8. Thank you all for your good wishes, especially Barry for the ORD recipe! You most especially, ASW... I'm having a sunny day at the beach compared to your situation. I hope you're better but I'll be around to check, shortly.

  9. Well, crapo!

    I hope you get to feeling better soon.

    You might like to travel to Ohio to see me wearing a blog wig. A kind of fun time we had on my granddaughter's birthday.

    The door is wide open. No flies here yet. Just walk on in.

    Brookville Daily Photo.

  10. I was just going to email to see if you were OK... I was hoping that you didn't get one of those nasty bugs going around this year. Most people I know have had that stomach flu and it is horrible.
    I hope you're feeling better soon.

  11. I hope you feel better soon! Those kinds of bugs are miserable.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.