Thursday, March 13, 2008


OK, I hadn’t hit the news sites when I put up today’s first post. I’ve started reading and I’m simply appalled at this:

My God. I’ve not seen a rant like this, ever. There's more, as well. And Obama is still a member of this congregation? Really? I need to hear WHY. I need to know if Obama agrees with this rant, or not. If this is the man who's giving Senator Obama "spiritual guidance," who married him and his wife, who baptized his children...then we're in so deep we'll NEVER find "up," let alone dig our way out. Even some of the usual suspects and screechers on the Left are shocked, and I quote:

Okay, I don't know how much more any of us can take of the ongoing national nervous breakdown. Paxil anyone? Who Is the Most Oppressed of All? The Black Man or the White Woman? Perhaps there's something from the Hillary camp on par with this video now making the rounds, but this sermon by Senator Obama's Pastor Jeremiah Wright pretty well sums it up. And now I'm going to go to bed and pull the covers over my head.

Somebody please wake me after President McCain's inauguration.

I think the Reverend Wright needs to revisit this speech again. Several times, in fact.

Racism is an ugly thing. And it’s a two-way street, too.


  1. I can't even watch that entire video with the preacher. Ugh.

    However, I CAN watch this video, over and over and over.

    If you don't want to hear Wanda Sykes' comments about (that idiot) Sally Kern or her comments about trying to decide between Clinton and Obama, then slide over to minute 2:22 for her comments on what might happen if Obama is elected.

    VERY funny stuff.

  2. Ok, that was just weird. I know that twisting Scriptures to fit what you want them to mean is not new, but to say that Jesus was black is just tooooo far out there. He was Jewish. At no other time would a Jew be considered black than in this person's delusional mind.

    BTW, Obama is half white. People seem to forget that. And he's pretty darn wealthy if you ask me. It ain't cheap to run for congress, much less president.

  3. "At no other time would a Jew be considered black than in this person's delusional mind."

    Wait, Becky ... are you forgetting Sammy Davis, Jr.?

    ; )

  4. Wow, Rev Wright certainly has a distorted view of Christ and his similarities to the poor black man. Maybe Sammy Davis Jr. had a similar teacher. I found this at Wiki:
    While in the hospital, his friend Eddie Cantor told him about the similarities between the Jewish and black cultures. During his hospital stay, Davis converted to Judaism after reading a history of the Jews.

    As far as I can tell, Rev Wright has nothing in common with Christ - like humbleness, love, serving others, obedience to God, and teaching others to walk accordingly. Rev Wright seems to be full of himself, hatred, bitterness, and teaching others to walk in those things.

    "Appalled" is a good word to describe my feelings, too.

  5. Excellent post Buck...I had to link you from my The Silverbacks site!

    Keep on ranting!

  6. I haven't watched the video, but I have read the transcript. THAT is NOT a man of God. That is an abomination.

  7. THAT is scary. I shudder to think what's going to happen to this nation if he gets elected.

  8. Yep, appalling!! It's one thing to listen to one deranged mind, you can almost pity, but to watch all those others drinking it in, in agreement, that makes one want to throw up

  9. Stuff like that always amazes me. Take the speech, substitute "white" for "black" and have a white man saying it. Pretty much as stupid, but it would be jumped on with both feet by the media and stomped into the ground. This guy? He's getting a slight "Tsk, tsk" and a wagging of the finger. Meanwhile, a leading presidential candidate MAY believe this shit. Wow.

  10. The radio guys were saying this is a death knell for the campaign.

    I couldn't disagree more. This kind of racism flowing in this particular direction, is a-oh-kay. May be fair or may not be fair, but that's just the way things are and this will be a flesh wound, if that.

    Type "Barack Obama" into Google News, nothing on the first page of results has anything to do with this. It's still the usual softball "Is America ready" stuff, and how you can buy his books with googleshopping. A couple of items about Geraldine Ferraro. You'll find out about Pastor Wright if you go looking for something about him, but it isn't a top Obama story.

    You do realize, of course, that President Obama is all-but sworn in already.

  11. The guy is a racist nut....and considering Obama refuses to cut the ties, IMO he is unqualifed to be President.

    Given Barack's ranting idiot of a wife and this clown, you gotta wonder what our would be President really has up his sleeve?

  12. Lori sez: I can't even watch that entire video with the preacher. Ugh.

    However, I CAN watch this video, over and over and over.

    Thanks for that, Lori. I have NO idea who Wanda Sykes is (or at least before I googled her), but I like a lot of what she says.

    Becky sez: I know that twisting Scriptures to fit what you want them to mean is not new, but to say that Jesus was black is just tooooo far out there. He was Jewish. At no other time would a Jew be considered black than in this person's delusional mind.

    ... And he's pretty darn wealthy if you ask me.

    I thought I remembered some discussion on Jesus' ethnicity and I was right. As for Obama not being rich and privileged... I'd say any person who went to Columbia and Harvard Law qualifies as "privileged," and a household income of a million bucks a year (or so) certainly makes him richer than MOST.

    Lou: Well said. I thought you might have some input on this.

    Mushy sez: Excellent post Buck...I had to link you from my The Silverbacks site!

    Thanks, My Man!

    Kris sez: I haven't watched the video, but I have read the transcript. THAT is NOT a man of God. That is an abomination.

    Agreed, Kris. Perspective is an interesting thing, though. Today I saw someone (another black minister) describe Wright as a "revolution theologian" and this person immediately added "there's nothing wrong with that..."

    Oh yes there is...

    Jenny sez: THAT is scary. I shudder to think what's going to happen to this nation if he gets elected.

    Yes. It IS scary, and scary is why I've been on about him so much these last few weeks.

    Abe sez: Wow.


    Dawn sez: It's one thing to listen to one deranged mind, you can almost pity, but to watch all those others drinking it in, in agreement, that makes one want to throw up

    I had the same thoughts while watching the vid the second and third times... all that backslapping and "YEAs!!" from the audience had me thinking "Is this really America? Perhaps we DO live in "Two Americas."

    Jim sez: Stuff like that always amazes me. Take the speech, substitute "white" for "black" ...

    Exactly. You're not the ONLY one who thinks so, either, Jim.

    Morgan sez: You do realize, of course, that President Obama is all-but sworn in already.

    I don't think so. Maybe I'm whistling past the graveyard, but I believe stuff like this Wright thing, Obama's radical friends, and Michelle Obama's out-of-control mouth will have real impact with conservative and moderate Democrats come the general election. The fringe LOVES Obama, as do the politically uninitiated, but the middle? Not so much. And more will find their way out of the Big Tent of Change! and Hope! when Hillary gets done beating on him. And after McCain finishes with him, too. That's MY brand of Hope!, ya know.

    Pat: I'm pretty much in agreement with you.

    All: This comment is pretty much it for today. I'm sicker than the proverbial dog.

  13. Bec said...
    #13 victor erimita's comment on the "Black Jewish" question at was enlightening...

    I read your last comment just before my own, Buck. Hope you feel better soon. :(

  14. I'm in agreement with your assessment of Obama, Buck. The Change^tm Train can only take people so far. Combine that with the media finally realizing they've given him too much of a free pass and we'll soon start to see just how empty his suit is.

    It's really too bad, as I think he could've been a viable candidate in another 4-8 years if someone with a little more experience had taken him under their wing and shown him the ways of the world. Maybe. Or maybe he would've just turned into Jimmy Carter. Experience isn't necessarily the cure for everything with everyone.

    Hope you start feeling better.

  15. Hey Buck! Perhaps Obama is reading your blog! He has called Rev. Wright's remarks "inflammatory and appalling."

    Go figure.

  16. If this doesn't derail BO's campaign, then nothing will. If people will blind themselves to such blatant hatred and separatism, then they may be beyond help. That said, it's all creepy as shit.

  17. Racism may always be a two or more way street - it seems to be a strong universal human trait. Not one of our better commonalities but certainly a significant one unlikely to fade away completely any time soon.

  18. Well Buck, I'm a natural-born pessimist where human nature is involved, but that's mostly because I rank near the bottom in terms of ability to predict it. Truly, I am a blind man when it comes to popular consensus if ever there was one.

    I would LOVE to end up eating some humble pie on this one as the Obama campaign fizzles like Gary Hart 20 years ago. Bu-ut...I dunno. I just don't know.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.