Thursday, December 14, 2006


A short post this morning…I have stuff to do today and need to get started. All of the “stuff” is mundane and all of it is necessary to keep life on an even keel. Not the least of which is that much-hated task: laundry. Once again, I’ve let it go to the point where I’m out of clean clothes and just might have to call a moving company (or find a fork lift) to get my accumulated dirty clothes from here to the laundromat. But the laundry is just one thing out of two or three things I gotta do.

One of my Hot Buttons about the war has been my perception — I repeat: perception — that our rules of engagement (ROE) in Iraq (and elsewhere) are too restrictive and work to the enemy’s advantage. There are those folks that agree with me, and Herschel Smith is one of them. His essay, “The NCOs Speak on Rules of Engagement,” is an eloquent statement against the current ROE based upon first-person narratives from those who know: the non-commissioned officers on the line. Excerpt:

In the end, the most compelling witness to the success or failure of a strategy is the effect on the ground. Rules of engagement have a strategic import in that the lack of proper ROE will always cause doctrine to become mute and tactics to fail. The testimony of three respected NCOs is that the current ROE are not only not helpful, but that they are a hindrance and impediment to accomplishment of mission objectives. Thus, the strategic importance of ROE. ROE cannot cause us to win, but they can sure cause us to lose.

I’m waiting for the Powers That Be to acknowledge we’re in a war, not a “police action” or some other exercise in restraint. It’s way past time to pull the gloves off and “go hard.” I’m likely to remain waiting for a long, long time.

Today’s Pic: “Bad Skies,” one of a series of pics I took last summer as a severe thunderstorm moved through P-Town. Scary, yet beautiful. June, 2005.


  1. Great pic. Have fun with your chores :)

  2. ROE...I could not agree with you more on this one Buck. I imagine you would find that to be true with and of the GI's or former GI's that read your blog. Nothing irritates me more then to have to play a "Politically Correct War" that is BS and we all know it. I say give the troops what they need to get the job done, let them do their job and then get the the hell out of there once the job is done!! Of course that's just my humble opinion and we all know what they say about opinions!

    Great Pic, reminds me of some of the nasty storms we used to watch roll into "Tornado Alley", when I lived in North Central Texas.

    Have fun with you chores!!

  3. Beautiful picture!

    I agree with you about the ROE. We've been helping the enemy defeat us for far too long. I recently read a quote that summed it up perfectly:

    “Has everyone forgotten what the world looked like when America (and Israel) was feared? Have the foreign policy castrati taken over? Does no one sing baritone anymore? The terrorists in Iraq, and among us, use fear as a primary tactic. We form study groups and issue statements saying we must ‘act wisely.’ Iran’s dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad vows to obliterate Israel and U.S. diplomats recommend we talk to him. Whatever happened to ‘if you touch us, it will be the last thing you touch’? Ah, but that was before political correctness and sensitivity training. Now, the only thing the thugs have to fear is fear itself. They certainly don’t fear us.” —Cal Thomas

  4. It is a great pic. I agree with all said. It is time to get 'er done.

  5. That's a great quote, Becky...a real keeper.

    And I suppose I was preaching to the choir about the stupidity of (what little I know about) the current ROE, but it is what it is and I'm glad all y'all agree.


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