Sunday, January 20, 2013

Today's Happy Hour Soundtrack and a Diversion

It's yet another twofer... first there's Freddie king with the most widely known version of this tune:

And then there's Jeff Beck and Co...

Both versions are worthy but there's this lil mondegreen that I had, concerning this:
Let me down
And close that box car door
Yes, let me down
And close that box car door
Well, I'm goin' back to Chattanooga
And sleep on sister Irene's door
Enter the diversion... In that I heard "door" as "floor," which brought to mind the fact that sleepin' on the floor ain't all THAT bad.  As a s'matter o' fact sleepin' on the floor can be quite good.  Case in point:

That would be YrHmblScrb sitting in a futon... on the floor... in a household in Japan just prior to "lights out."  Which is only ONE of the many times I slept on the floor in a futon.  The Second Mrs. Pennington and I began our lives together sleeping in a futon on the floor of her apartamento in Musashi-Koganei and spent an additional five years... at LEAST... sleeping on futons in various and sundry other places (about which: no photos exist, to the best of my knowledge).  Hell, futons and I go WAY back, and some of my best memories are wrapped up there.  Door, floor.  What the hell, it's all good.


  1. That floor bed looks very comfy.

    We have a friend who teases that there should be a futon museum.

  2. Gone native, eh? You and Lafcadio Hearn. LOL.

    1. PS: "Ceptin' you didn't go whole hog and marry a Japanese wife..

    2. I learn sumthin' EVERY day. I'd never heard of Hearn (heh) until you mentioned him. Which is odd, when ya think about it, given the fact I spent five years in Nippon.

  3. Having lived for 4 years "on the economy" in Korea (as opposed to 2 and a half years in the barracks on Okinawa), I have slept "on the floor" a time or three in my career.

    I miss my heated floors. The Missus misses them even more.


    1. When we went TDY to Korea we were warned about those heated floors, which can kill ya if they're heated with charcoal and the room/house ain't well ventilated. We survived, as did you. That said, didn't you just LOVE those mandatory briefings?


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