Sunday, January 20, 2013

I Got Nuthin'

Well, next to nuthin'.  An Occasional Correspondent sent along the following with a simple "This ain't you, is it?" query.

I replied "No, but it sure could have been at some point in the way-back."  Case in point:

That hat got a lot of wear when I lived in Ra-cha-cha.

Minor bitchin', pissin', and moanin':  The Wings game was blacked out in my area last night which was prolly a good thing, given they got their asses whupped by the Blues, 5-0.  We won't draw any conclusions from one game, especially one game after a tremendously long layoff.  But this is NOT an auspicious beginning.

Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna to go sit on the oh-so-sunny verandah and enjoy a wonderful 63-degree day.  With beer.


  1. Well, you're prepared if a Rooskie Snow Tsunami ever hist Portales.

    And, RE hockey, I feel yore pain for that first game of the season loss. And for not being able to see the game on tv. I don't get the blackouts for pro teams. Aren't they supposed to ensure that people in surrounding areas will come to the game live? You're in Portales right? I'm sure, since the game was blacked out, most of the town headed to L. A. to see the game live. Fox sometimes blacks out the Cubs (I know, it's baseball) when they play Cincinnati because of its proximity to Nashville (heh), which is absurd.

    1. I hear ya about black-outs, especially since P-Ville is at least 1,000 miles from St. Louis. So there's a BIG "WTF?" aspect in the equation here. Absurd, indeed.

  2. I just put my NHL scoreboard back up on IGoogle.
    The Sharks are up in about five minutes.
    So far any of the teams I'm interested in are 0fer.
    It has to stop... right?

    And in the NFL...

    1. NFL? ¿Qué es esta de la que usted habla?

  3. Ah, there is my favorite hat.

    1. I haven't worn it yet this year; mebbe I won't have to.

  4. 19 deg's currently in Rochester, single digits at night this Wed/Thurs., won't see temps above 20 till Fri.

    But besides the lovely weather, the highest taxes and strictest gun laws in the nation...I love NY.

    1. God, tim... you sound like a masochist. But I loved my five years in Ra-cha-cha... really, I did. That's easy to say now that I don't have to deal with yer Unholy Trinity. And SNOW.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.