Wednesday, July 20, 2011

More Doodles From Da 'Plex

It's a cool one today...

I never see these things unless I stumble upon 'em by accident, which was the case today (by checkin' out what a visitor googled to get to EIP).  Why?  Coz this is MY google screen:

Fanboi Я Us.  What does YOUR search page look like?


  1. Mine's got the peas on it today. I actually wouldn't have known if I hadn't open up a new browser.

    I gooble from my plain white Mozilla start page.

  2. I don't have my own search page. At work they are not allowed. At home - I use 2 different browsers and I always have the same sessions open. Searching is a quick thing for me.

    I do love the Google stuff though; fun.

  3. I don't usually go to a page. Do I?

  4. plain white Mozilla start page.

    Which leads me to wonder exactly what that is?

    Searching is a quick thing for me.

    Me too. Always has been, since 1999! ;-)

    Lou: I dunno... do ya?

  5. I had the peas, too. I didn't really pat any attention to it until you brought it up. I suppose it's a plug for the Prez's little joke about eating our peas. Very little joke.

  6. Very little joke.

    But lotsa mileage on the blogs and elsewhere... to my great chagrin.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.