Sunday, May 01, 2011

O Happy Day

Finally confirmed just moments ago... after an hour of waiting...

Osama bin Laden is dead by American hands.  My only regret is this didn't happen on Dubya's watch.

Update, Monday 1100 hrsPresident Bush's statement on his Facebook page, where "Ryan Sebastian, Cecelia Hankforth Miller, Lisa Kunst Losee and 51,206 others like this."  The comments are interesting.


  1. I am grateful that this horrible excuse for a human being is gone from the face of the earth.

    That said, hearing Obama praising himself for all he did in bringing this about left me ill.

    I'm sorry, but a true leader has no need to pat himself on the back, and would give all credit to others. Obama, the Narcissist in Chief.

    Good on him for OKing the order to strike, but boo on him for placing himself as center and making out as if Bush didn't have Osama as a high priority.

    Notice that it was in Pakistan as well. Think that they finally gave him up in order for something? I'm wondering what this will cost us or Israel.

  2. Obama, the Narcissist in Chief.

    Ain't THAT the frickin' truth...

    As for the rest, I'm waiting for the details, which seem remarkably thin on the ground right now. Rumor has it a SEAL team did the job; 40 minutes total elapsed time from infil to exfil.

  3. I'm glad they killed him. We can't afford any more prisoners. Reports his family got rubbed-out too. Bully! (as T.R. would say)...

  4. We are avenged.

    Lesson to the world: We never forget.

    May God bless all of active military, wherever they are tonight, as well as all of those who served before them.

  5. I'm on vacation in Sedona, and got word of Osama's killing via a friend on Facebook. I've turned on the news, and I saw perhaps only a portion of President Obama's speech. So maybe I missed the part where he praised himself -- was it akin to Trump's self praise of unearthing the official birth certificate? Or ... what? Can someone please point me to where Obama is praising himself? Because I need to see that for myself.

    And I'm sorry for your only regret Buck, but Bush and his team just didn't ever get it together. Did they?

  6. Oh wait, President Obama's full speech is airing again on C-SPAN. I'm still not hearing him praising himself. I'm hearing what decisions he made and what actions he took. I'm hearing President Obama praising the military and intelligence professionals who ultimately made this happen.

    Are my ears tuned to a different frequency than those of the contributors here?

    If President Bush were speaking the very same words as President Obama is speaking on television right now, would you say Bush was praising himself?

    Somehow I doubt it.

  7. My only regret is same as yours, Buck.

    Lori, go back to your tree-huggin', or whatever.

  8. I don't think Obama has to praise himself. The media will do that for him and therefore history give credit to O. Hopefully history will not forget that it was Bush who went after Bin Laden in the first place. It would have been nice if it had happened on Bush's watch.

  9. All of this started on Bush's watch; the fact that his policies are continuing to be carried out by Obama shows the depth of the man's (Bush) commitment to this country. That his policies are strong enough to be continued by a man (Obama) who definitely does not love this country on the same level as GWB does.

    That being said - the fact is that Obama is the one who authorized the military action deep within Pakistan. For that I have to give him credit - it wouldn't have happened if he hadn't done that.

    But at the end of the day it is our amazing warriors who ensured policy and authorized actions were carried out with utmost success.

    Ding Dong the monster is D.E.A.D. And 3,000 people, their families and friends finally get some taste of justice.

    For Heather Lee Smith - Flight 11. A bright light extinguished at age 30; for you my dear friend we celebrate the demise of this evil monster.

  10. All of this started on Bush's watch; the fact that his policies are continuing to be carried out by Obama shows the depth of the man's (Bush) commitment to this country. That his policies are strong enough to be continued by a man (Obama) who definitely does not love this country on the same level as GWB does.

    That being said - the fact is that Obama is the one who authorized the military action deep within Pakistan. For that I have to give him credit - it wouldn't have happened if he hadn't done that.

    But at the end of the day it is our amazing warriors who ensured policy and authorized actions were carried out with utmost success.

    Ding Dong the monster is D.E.A.D. And 3,000 people, their families and friends finally get some taste of justice.

    For Heather Lee Smith - Flight 11. A bright light extinguished at age 30; for you my dear friend we celebrate the demise of this evil monster.

  11. Obama said that he made getting Osama a priority, which is immediately read as Bush didn't treat it as such. He continued on about how he got information, how he directed.

    Lori, I am sorry you are tone deaf to the narcissism of this man, but others are not.

    Read Bush's and Clinton's statements. There is, as always, a marked difference in the manner in which they present things from the way Obama does.

    I am glad that the evil terrorist is dead, I am glad that the Seals got him. Notice, there was information that came from detainees in Gitmo that had a hand in leading to this point. Obtained during Bush's term.

    Osama was buried at sea. The AP reported that he was buried according to Islamic tradition, yet one of the important tenants with that is that the head faces Mecca. How exactly do you do that when you bury a body at sea? Also, in that AP report, it mentioned that they couldn't find a country to take the body for burial. Find that a little beyond belief? I do. The burial at sea was to insure there was no place to create a shrine to this sub-human.

    I wouldn't have minded hearing that he was buried with pig skin drapped around around him, but that is just my desire. No matter how vile, the US can't act that way.

    I understand that there are pictures of him dead, I look forward to seeing them. You know they will come out, sooner or later.

  12. Now for the real work; Grab the Paki nukes and cut off Pakistan from their billions in aid.

    They knew where this thing was the entire time; They made sure to park the creature across from an Army installation with a nearby children's hospital to provide shelter from airstrikes.

  13. What ALL y'all said.

    Except for you, Lori. As for "Are my ears tuned to a different frequency than those of the contributors here?" Well, yes. We hold THAT "truth" to be self-evident.

  14. Apparently Osama, or one of his men, hid behind a woman. Such bravery. Rest in hell.

  15. I read where some Pakistani heard the helos in his neighborhood and started tweeting about it as it happened, finally having something like 12,000 followers when he was finished.

    I was watching 60 Minutes when they broke in for the announcement and it took another hour while we heard a lot of speculation. Afterward, the CBS White House correspondent did say that it was the Bush administration's having the means in place that made it possible for this to happen.

    I can remember how stunned I was when the WTC was hit and the Twin Towers came down. The anger I felt afterward was palpable when I learned who the perpetrators were. I guess somehow in the meantime I have become jaded because, although I am happy the hunt for this evil man is over, I don't feel anything like the elation I have seen exhibited on TV. Maybe it's because it isn't over yet? I do feel that he is getting way too much publicity. I guess I believe the only acknowledgment he should receive now is that he is no longer with us.

  16. Gordon: Rest in Hell, indeed.

    Skip: I'm still catching up on my overnight Twitter feed, but I read the same thing about that Pakistani. He supposedly acquired over 12,000 followers in something like a half-hour.

    I can't say I'm elated, but I AM very damned happy.

  17. I have similar feelings as Skip. I'm glad bin laden is gone, but elated doesn't describe what I feel. I hate it that he gets one bit of attention.

  18. The one night we were out and didn't have the tube on! I have watched his "address" today, though.

    So, Lori says that the Bush team "just couldn't get it done." Best I know, the Bush team is pretty much the same as the Obama team, with the exception that the Bush team "generated" the intel that ultimately uncovered the Osama courier, and hence the Osama compound, at Gitmo.

    Obama did green light the mission but I suspect that the crucial element, and something that he neglected to mention, was that he had to be convinced to do it.

    I also find it interesting that the strike took place on May Day.

  19. I've come up with an answer to the question lefties will not answer. What is it - specifically - about an Obama administration that makes it likely to bring down scum like UBL?

    And the answer is.......the anti-war demonstrations, the theatrical phony outrage that surrounds those, they all go away. THEY are a prob-a-luhm. Lesson learned.

  20. I hate it that he gets one bit of attention.

    I dunno, Lou. I like the fact he got attention from our SEALs and ESPECIALLY the fact he knew what was comin'.

    Moogie: Lori still suffers from BDS and there's no known cure, unfortunately. I laughed when she mentioned "Bush and his team just didn't ever get it together." Well, it wasn't as much of a laugh, as it was a "heh."

    Morgan: Hunh? I don't get your theory/answer, bein' as how I'm sorta thick.

  21. BDS, ODS. Same disease, different sufferers.


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