Monday, May 02, 2011

I'm Just One of Thousands...

... who will post this:

I love the 72 virgins bit.  I also love the NMA/TV guys.


  1. Yeah -- this one's pretty good.

  2. heh.

    I wouldn't be shocked if his cooling body was washed in that way. Maybe that is the political speak for how he was truly washed before being dumped in the ocean.

    I do wonder though, was he dumped in the ocean nearby? Wouldn't that make it possible, after some time, that his body would wash up someday?

    The virgin send off was priceless.

  3. This sort of animation is so weird.

  4. Good to see Osama was despatched. Pity Obama, a man who has never donned a uniform, took all the credit in the single most nauseating piece of political theatre I have ever witnessed.

    Re the wedding I was a little disappointed by the comments below :( It was a wonderful wonderful day for Britain and our constitution and I was delighted so very many Americans here joined in. Literally thousands from what I saw in London, more so than any other visitors. A great day for the world to enjoy. In the end that was/is all that needs to be said, surely. We certainly don't begrudge you your pop culture or how much of it you share with us on a mass basis whether we want it or not. So not sure I understand the neg concern over Americans enjoying it at all and gushing away merrily. Good for them! As much as I love America I am glad I was born a Brit as I have no attachment to politicians whatsoever and could never find it. Friday was a thousand July 4ths rolled into one for us. Sad that this grates for some. We have fireworks here on July 4th for US ex pats and I don't begrudge them any of it and we keep our statues of your greats in our Squares rather than sending them back. You guys like your politicos to embody popular power, we prefer our royals to embody it. In the end that's really all it is.

    We have done and continue to do our bit for freedom and the fight against Osamas legacy thats for sure. More so than your French republic... Our royals have fought in the front line.

    Oh well. Sorry to sound so peeved Buck. I was just gobsmacked by some of the patronising comments.

  5. You my friend would have been very welcome Friday by the way. Champagne was flowing, red white and blue fluttering, loads of us round for cake. It made a nice change from the endless endless talk of war and bloody Islam these days. Westminster Cathedral looked stunning and my proud cousin in his splendid uniform played his military part wonderfully on his horse! Most all who accompanied the royal coach have served in Afghanistan.

  6. Moogie, Anon, BR, and Lou: Yep, that was a goodie!

    Alison: Yeah, the naysayers and cynics among us irritate me, as well. I wish I could have been in London last Friday. I do love a good party!

  7. It's bizarre but to be expected. Though the comment about preferring to be American or somesuch in the post below made me laugh out loud I must admit. It's a British royal wedding not a nationhood style competition! Anyhoo you are duly invited to come stay with us next year for the Jubilee. It'll be a splendid party and we would love to have you over.

  8. Ah, Alison. Would that I could, but I'm afraid I have "certain physical limitations" that would make such a trip unwise, at best. But thanks from the bottom of my heart for the invite!

  9. Gutted :(

    Well we shall share it online, somehow. A cyberparty. Should have thought to do that for the royal wedding as it goes.


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