Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Not To Flog a Dead Horse, But...

Baby, it's cold outside.  Everywhere.


  1. We’re suppose to get between 15 & 22 inches w/blowing snow & white out conditions. It should start @ midnight making the morning commute quite the adventure.

    We haven’t had good storm in a couple years. Bring. It. On!

  2. Imagine how bad it would be if we didn't have the benefit of Global Warming to help keep it from really getting cold.

  3. Isn't it just?!! Here too. I read your post about decamping to a motel earlier but couldn't comment at work. I'm so glad you decided to get nice and warm in a hopefully cosy friendly hotel. Im sure this winter is going to push us to the limit. Im up for some ore snow as I missed the batch before Christmas! Hope you have a beer in hand anyway.

  4. I'm SOOO behind the loop! Are you in a motel ?!?! If so, in this hideous weather, YAY!!! You won't have to make your bed or thaw your pipes! Keep the Hornet warm. We're shivering our timbers off here in NOLA at a windy mid-30s. Sorry.

  5. Bring. It. On!

    You're a sick man, Small-Tee. Seek help.

    Anon: Yeah, right.

    ...nice and warm in a hopefully cosy friendly hotel.

    It was OK until about 1830 hrs tonite, Alison. And then the power went out...

    Moogie: I'd trade ya weather straight across, no questions asked.

    BR: I wish he WAS here. In a tent.

  6. I very much stole this.
    Because this cold and snow is, as my word verification clearly agrees with me: 'irribing' me.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.