Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I Wasn't Always Scrooge

I've been seeing more than a few Christmas posts around the 'sphere of late and more than a few featuring the ways we decorate for the holiday.  I don't do any decorating at all these days, which is partly a function of my humbuggery and partly because I have absolutely NO space for decorations of any sort.  But it wasn't always this way.  Witness:

Those two pics are from my house in Ferndale, a near suburb of Dee-troit.  The top pic is from around 1989 or so, the second is around 1991 and features granddaughter Anastasia.  I scoured the archives this morning for pictures of other Christmases past and found virtually nothing.  Well... there WERE these two gems:

Heh.  That would be Lil Bucky "Hopalong" Pennington, c.1950 or '51.  We were cowboys then, and young.


  1. Ok, let's all vote -- which is cuter, lil' Buckeroo or the Christmas tree?

    How sweet -- BOTH!! :)

  2. Sorry, have to vote for the 'Charlie Brown' tree. Wow, that brings back memories. When I was a kid our trees always looked like that!
    Nice dog though (1989 pic)

  3. Oh man...Lil Buckaroo! Does that ever bring back childhood memories...and of my boys, too.

  4. That's a rootin' tootin' cutie Cowpoke if ever I saw one! And I just love the real metallic timsel! It reminds me of my grandmother's trees -- she always had a good-smelling "real" tree, while my Mama, for some reason that remains a mystery to me today, always insisted on a whilt flocked tree.

    Pretty, pretty decor, Buck!

    And definitely a handsome shepherd!

  5. The decorations are great, but the buckeroo is my favorite. I think you should take that down to Wal-Mart and have it made into your Christmas card. And send me one.

  6. Thank you all for the kind words. The Shepard is Fritzi Ritz; she was a magnificent dog and long time best friend.

    Lou: But we don't do cards anymore!

  7. Hopalong cleaned up present wise that year! Ah to be young and excited about Christmas again. Awesome pics Buck!

  8. Thanks, Anon. The sad thing is I have ZERO memories of that Christmas. I killed off all those brain cells years ago.


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