Tuesday, November 30, 2010


My Buddy Ed In Florida sent along a set of eight photos last evening with the tag line "When someone steals your Kodak moment..."  Herewith, half of said photos:

Heh.  I nearly peed my pants but then again, I'm a sick piece o' work.  Hopefully you are too, Gentle Reader.


  1. The email version would not open the photos for some reason - I'm glad you posted some of the photos here. Very funny! I've taken a few shots like these - one was of my mare, foal, and a stud horse whose tallywacker was hangin' out to his knees. Why didn't I notice that when I took the photo?

  2. Funny stuff here Buck, I especially like the first day of school pics with the dogs going at it in the background.

  3. It's the wedding photo that gets me. Did that couple not notice that there was a nude beach nearby???

  4. Shaggy and Scoob' doin the Huh?!

    That there is a keeper!

  5. Awesome. And yes, I'd do that for a Scooby Snack.

  6. Agree on all counts, all y'all.

  7. Priceless. I won't tell you what got my attention in the first one!

  8. Kris beat me to it. How could that escape notice. Or were they headed out for a little skinny dipping after tying the knot?

  9. With this ring I thee wed. Aw crap.

    Saved and forwarded to most people I know. Thanks Buck!

  10. Too funny, especially the wedding shot.


  11. In my eye, the two getting married look like they both lost the lottery.

    Then too, she's starting to take on the look of the heffer behind them.

    The guy seems to be saying: "I'm missing football for this!"


Just be polite... that's all I ask.