Wednesday, June 09, 2010

News You Can Use

Governor Proclaims Saturday `Cougar Smart New Mexico Day'
Gov. Bill Richardson has declared Saturday as "Cougar Smart New Mexico Day" to alert hikers, bikers and other outdoor recreationists that New Mexico is cougar country, according to a news release from the state Department of Game and Fish.
  • Don't run; stand your ground if a cougar is seen nearby.
  • Keep children close and calm.
  • Hike in groups and make noise to avoid surprising a cougar.
  • Carry a walking stick and use it to fight back in the rare event that an encounter becomes an attack.
Heh.  Sounds like good advice, I suppose.  Thanks, Guv'nor Bill.  We needed this, especially our impressionable young men.  But, New Mexico is cougar country?  Who knew?  I can't vouch for that.  Unfortunately.


  1. "Cougar Smart New Mexico Day"? What an AFU name. I wonder how much money was paid to consultants to dream that one up.

    My solution to possible cougar meetings on the trail? S&W Model 19, chambered in .357. Of course, Gov. Bill (D) would never recommend such a solution, as it might encourage more responsible gun ownership.

    With that said, I would much prefer a sighting of the two legged variety.

  2. When I was in my twenties I was cougar friendly. Now that I'm on the wrong side of 50 I'm not so sure. I suppose there are some 70 y.o. cougars stalking middle aged grumps somewhere. I need a 40 y.o. reverse cougar!

  3. He must have travled to Taos recently. Lots of cougars there. The real ones are over in Cimarron Canyon.

  4. With that said, I would much prefer a sighting of the two legged variety.

    Agreed, BR. But I like your .357 solution.

    I need a 40 y.o. reverse cougar!

    Heh. I hear THAT!

    He must have travled to Taos recently. Lots of cougars there.

    I DID notice that during the times I've been up that way!


Just be polite... that's all I ask.