Wednesday, June 09, 2010

How 'Bout Them 'HAWKS!

Chicago: 2010 Stanley Cup Champions... in overtime!


  1. To think I was a Jr in HS when my Blackhawks last won. They had lots of good players in the ensuing years, but never seemed to put it together again, then fell into mediocrity/futility for decades.

    Although Chicago, position for position, had the superior personnel, Philly overachieved and played them off their feet for most of the series--just couldn't deliver the knockout punch. Game 5 was typical. With Chicago comfortably ahead they give up two careless goals to make game close. I almost closed my eyes when it went into OT tonight, as Philly had the "big mo" again per usual. Still, a win is a win. The team with the best personnel won but although I think Chicago played better thru the season, Philly played better as a team in this series. Still, as Damon Runyon famously said: "The race does not always go to the swift, nor the contest to the strong--but that's the way to bet." :)

  2. Buck, you would be proud of me. I watched almost the entire match last night.

    And I must say, I thoroughly enjoyed it! I missed the final goal though. I had switched over to the local news for a while and when I came back, it was over.

    Okay, I'm lying. I dozed off...

  3. Good for the 'Hawks. By the second period I was rooting for them even thoguh I picked Philly. Too many punks on the team and in the stands.

    Now, we can all start watching the World Cup...right? OK, probably just me.

  4. Congrats to the 'Hawks!

    Sorry hockey season is over, Buck.

    I think this is the time in the sports year when we're trying to sail, but stuck in irons in the doldrums with no way to pop the spinnaker.

    How's that for an obscure sports reference!

  5. tim - I'll be watching that other Cup, too. I am always interested in watching the USA compete.

    That was a hell of a good series, through and through. Now the looooong wait until next season begins. Sheesh.

  6. ...Philly overachieved and played them off their feet for most of the series--just couldn't deliver the knockout punch.

    I'm thinking it just took some time for Quenneville & Co to "solve" the Flyers. These guys didn't know each other going into the series, not like the teams from the respective conferences know their opponents by virtue of playing them six or more times in the course of a season. This theory doesn't explain Games One and Two, tho, does it? Except maybe Laviolette was a faster learner than Q. But it was pretty apparent to me after Game Five and the first period of Game Six that the handwriting was on the wall for the Flyers. Speed kills.

    It feels pretty damned good this morning, don't it? I remember the morning after in '97 quite well - the hangover I had (and it was MASSIVE) didn't seem to hurt so bad. ;-)

    I missed the final goal though.

    You're not the only one who missed the final goal. The ENTIRE Wachovia center, including the goal judge, the refs, the linesmen, and the teevee announcers didn't realize the puck was in the net. Only Kane and Leighton knew it was over... it took the other 22,000+ people a couple o' minutes.

    Too many punks on the team and in the stands.

    Now, we can all start watching the World Cup...right?

    I can understand Flyers fans booing Bettman, but NOT the subsequent booing... like when Toews picked up the Conn Smythe. Classy, eh?

    I MIGHT watch some of the World Cup, but only if NatGeo, Discovery, THC, et al go into re-runs. ;-)

    How's that for an obscure sports reference!

    Perfect! But Darryl (aka Barco Sin Vela) would understand completely... ;-)

  7. S-Andy: Yeah... it's a LOOONG time until October. (sigh)

  8. Watched the Blackhawks win from U.S. Cellualr Field. At the end of the game (White Sox beat Tigers 15-3) they put the Blackhawks on the Jumbotron.

    Phenomenal!! Watching the win in Chicago. The place went nuts!

  9. Glad the Black Hawks won, but I didn't get to see it. Life around here has taken on a life of it's own.

  10. The place went nuts!

    I can only imagine! I'm happy for all y'all, srsly.

    Lou: Life's like that!

  11. Buck said:

    I can understand Flyers fans booing Bettman, but NOT the subsequent booing... like when Toews picked up the Conn Smythe. Classy, eh?

    Flyers fans will boo ANYTHING.

    I went to a Flyers/Hurricanes game about three years ago, and I was embarrassed at how much the fans in front of me were booing and catcalling *their own team*.

  12. I've seen the Wings booed mercilessly by the home crowd, too. But they deserved it. At the time.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.