Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Today's Happy Hour, Wherein Our Shirt Matches Our Beer

Well, it ain't Fat Tire (see below) but it's from the same brewery...

Great good stuff this is.  B+ at Beer Advocate, the beer drinkers' standard go-to resource for all hoppy-malty things.  

Our soundtrack this afternoon:

The Band.  Us Old Persons with hippie tendencies like this sorta stuff.  Your mileage most likely will vary.


  1. Heh. Twice over. So... will The Cup be raised tonite?

  2. I hope not.

    A: I like it when the home team wins the cup.

    B: Doesn't get much better than a game 7!

  3. I'm with ya on both counts. I've also read that things could get really weird in Philly if the 'Hawks win. They have some "interesting" fans. Better that it happens in Chicago, whoever wins.

  4. I haven't tried 1554 yet. What's the opinion of the professional connoisseur (that would be you)?

  5. All right, Buck.

    Now you gotta dredge up "Will The Circle Be Unbroken".

    Volume 2 ain't bad, either.

  6. From the teevee coverage, the fans quit booing pretty quickly after Bettman left- unless NBC just potted them down.

    Hell *I'd* boo Bettman, for that matter.

  7. And you should boo him. He is as boo-worthy as they come.

  8. What's the opinion of the professional connoisseur (that would be you)?

    Heh, I've been called a lot of things in life but "connoisseur" is a first! I obviously like 1554, a lot. It's not as heavy as one might think by looking at it, goes down easy and is very "malty." It reminds a lot of people of English brown ale, including me. It's one of my go-to beers, BR.

    Now you gotta dredge up "Will The Circle Be Unbroken".

    Another example of "I miss my vinyl!" And, what Andy said about booing Bettman.

  9. My son brought us a six pack of sorted beers from World Market. Last night we broke in to them. One of them was called Hop Czar - I wouldn't recomend it.

  10. Noted, Lou... and thanks for the heads-up.

  11. Love The Band. I wasn't really familiar with them, though, until just a few years ago when my sons' band decided to do King Harvest for their high school talent show. They practiced really hard and pulled it off beautifully. Pretty challenging for young guys, don'tcha think? :)


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