Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Today's Happy Hour Soundtrack

We took our first Happy Hour beer outside today but the experience was slightly less than Happy.  On account o' because o' the wind, Gentle Reader, which is still Spring-fierce.  So... our second beer will be taken indoors as we get ourselves ready for the evening's entertainment.  We're listening to Richard Thompson this afternoon, he who is the author/performer of one of the VERY few mo'sickle songs extant.  To wit:

Lord knows there are hundreds... if not thousands... of musical paeans to fast cars abroad in the musical universe.  But there are precious few mo'sickle tunes and more's the pity.  It's a sad state of affairs when Steppenwolf's "Born to Be Wild" is the ONLY biker tune that comes to most peoples' minds... if any such thoughts actually happen... when the subject of great mo'sickle tunes comes up.  Mostly ya get "Wha?" and a dumb look when you ask the question.

But we digress.  While Mr. Thompson earns a special place in my heart for "1952 Vincent Black Lightning" he is much more than that one song.  (Check out his biography on The Wiki for a list of his awards and for people who have covered his songs.)  Oh yes, indeed.  There's this, fer instance:

Things I tried to put shine in her eyes
Wire wheels and shimmering things
Wild nights when the whole world seemed to fly

She said "The thing that's so unique
When we're together we don't have to speak.
We'll always be such good friends, you and I"
Haunting, on oh-so-many levels.

We shall now return to crying in our beer.  Heh. 


  1. Good tunes, Buck. And, not a half-bad picker, for sure.

    I always kind of considered "Take It To The Limit" by The Eagles to be a "biker" song. Maybe because they played it at the funeral of one of my cousins, who got killed on one of those things (one of my three cousins that have, so far, btw).

    It was actually pretty cool. The old folks there kinda' "gasped." But, the preacher (also a cousin of mine), and I caught eye contact and just grinned at each other through the whole song...

    Good work by Mr. Thompson.

  2. Buck, you just posted one of my favorite songs. RT's "1952 Vincent Black Lightning." I learned a little about him when my wife bought me a Del McCoury CD for my birthday several years ago. I liked the song so much I looked up RT on Wiki and also read some about the the Vincent BL itself. McCroury's version is hardcore bluegrass and probably not to your liking. His voice has that high lonesome whine, but IMHO on this song he taps into country soul. It was, BTW, the International Bluegrass Association's song of the year for 2002. And, oddly enough (see your guitar war post below), he and his band have appeared many times on stage at concerts with Phish. There are a few takes of McCoury's version up on youtube and if I get some time tomorrow, I'll stick one on my blog.

  3. You've broadened my music mind once again.

  4. Andy: Interesting choice for funeral music and something I can get behind. Do you remember the opening scenes from "The Big Chill?" The funeral scenes, where Mick & the Boys are singing "You Can't Always Get What You Want?" I nudged TSMP in the theatre during those scenes and said "I'm gonna LIKE this movie!" And ever since that time I've told all concerned that THAT is the tune I want played at my service...

    Dan: Interesting. I haven't heard McCoury's version but I'll look him up if you don't post it. A digression: I passed up an opportunity to buy a perfect... and I mean PERFECT... 50's-vintage 500cc Vincent while I was stationed in England. The bike was essentially one half of a Black Lightning, a 500cc single in a Black Lightning frame. I was too dumb at the time to realize what a deal that was and I've kicked myself ever since.

    Lou: Glad to be of service!

  5. As a matter of fact, Buck, I remember The Big Chill well. I found it to be a fascinating, entertaining movie...might have to go rent it.

    I did not remember the funeral dirge, though. But all the music in that film was great. Thanks for reminding me.


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