Friday, March 05, 2010

View From The Fridge

I think my priorities are pretty good, no?

The post title is a play on words associated with this tune from Kim Wilde:

The maid and I used to joke around with each other every time we either heard this particular song on the radio or played it at home (I have the album, believe it or don't), making up alternative words about domestic responsibilities and stuff.  Ya hadda be there.

It's such a nice day outside I think I'll cruise on over to The Big(ger) City™ for the monthly salsa re-supply run and other fun things.

Update, 15 minutes later:  On a much more serious note...  I was browsing more Kim Wilde vids as I was finishing my coffee before taking off for Clovis.  And came across this:

Well he was Thailand based
She was an Air Force wife
He used to fly weekends
It was the easy life
But then it turned around
And he began to change
She didn't wonder then
She didn't think it strange
But then he got a call
He had to leave that night
He couldn't say too much
But it would be alright
He didn't need to pack
They'd meet the next night
He had a job to do
Flying to Cambodia

This tune never failed to make my vision somewhat blurry in the way-back and it's still true.  For the professional associations, yanno?  The connection is tenuous (at best), but I told a similar story here at EIP once upon a time.


  1. I'm not sure I ever heard that before.

  2. OMG, I'm coming right over! Beer emergency!!

  3. We keep a beer fridge out in the garage. It's a beautiful thing when fully stocked.

  4. Looks like you're running low on red grapefruit (smile)....

    I see you're a Red Wings fan; I'm from Michigan and a life-long fan myself.

    Just reading up on the 'latest'; they've been in the play-offs 18 times; 17 in a row - the longest string of any team in the history of the league.

    Note: I traveled 7 years in a motor-home much like yours; I lived in it, and loved every minute of it. Sadly, when my husband retired, he said he wanted to live in a regular 'home', so now we use the motor-home for vacations.

    I know I'm going to keep it because if I'm ever alone again, I'm going back to that way of life - I like changing the scenery as much as possible, and living that way allows you to do just that.

    I enjoy your posts, and I see you keep a nice clean refrigerator, I'm just not a fan of beer, but red grapefruit is my favorite fruit.


  5. Lou: Kim Wilde was BIG in the UK, and the tunes I posted date from the time I was there. I'm not sure if she ever "made" it here.

    RLM: C'mon down, Bud! We're stocked for all eventualities!

    Daphne: I used to do the same sorta thing back in previous lives.

    Diane: Thank you for the kind words! One of the better things about south Texas (back when I was down that way) was the veritable mountains of Ruby Red grapefruit available in nearly every HEB market. And I availed myself of that opportunity at every turn. These days it's all Del Monte, but it ain't half bad. You have a good eye, BTW... and a LOT o' blogs!

  6. Your refrigerator priorities looks straight to me.

  7. That fridge shot almost brought a tear to my eye...can't wait!

    Few more weeks and I'll be back in the land of the big BX...with a short stopover in what some people consider "beer Mecca." Germany will still be on the chilly side, but the beer...mmmmm...well, I'm sure it will tast just fine!



  8. Taste...not enough coffee this am...YET!


  9. Weiss bier is the drink of the gods! Why can't any domestic brewer make a passable wheat?

    What's new at Cannon? The last time I was there was in the late 70s when they were flying F-111s! My herd of box turtles in the back yard and the lovely scent of stockyard wafting through the air. I'd give my left nut to retire down on the panhandle.

  10. BR: I'm glad you think I have my priorities straight. ;-)

    Buck: Yeah, Erm is in countdown mode as we speak. But you knew that.

    Anon: Thanks for dropping by! There's a LOT new at Cannon, what with SpecOps running the place these days. The local area hasn't changed all that much, tho. You'd probably feel right at home.

    re: Wheat beers... didja see Bud Light (!) just brought out a "wheat " beer? Yeah, right. It is to laugh.

  11. I think your priorities are just fine. :-)


Just be polite... that's all I ask.