Thursday, March 04, 2010

The Beer Quest....

... mentioned immediately below was semi-successful.  Either our local beer emporium was (a) sold out of Paulaner or (b) we were mistaken.  Let's go with (a), shall we, Gentle Reader?  Coz you know we hates to be wrong about anything... not that that happens all that much.  

Not all was lost, however.  We scored a doppelbock, which is our mission to begin with.  This one being a sixer of Spaten Optimator, new to us (we think) but a doppelbock none the less.  The weather she is cooperating for Happy Hour... what with it being nearly 70 fine degrees outside... and we ran our errands this afternoon with the top down, reveling in the warm zephyrs that wafted around our old gray head as we motored here and there.

And now it's outside to enjoy the Optimator and a Tabacalera Perdomo ESV 1991.  Our soundtrack today is Dylan... because a couple o' classics deserve music in the same vein.


  1. Dang Buck, send some of that nice weather up here would ya?

  2. 70's going to be a while yet before we see that in Minnesota.

  3. Now that is a fine looking spread.

  4. Optimator makes me kind of cringe from the high alcohol level. Two is the limit.

    To me, the Double Bock beers are not as refreshing as the Oktoberfest type beers, of course, it is all in the tastes of the taster.

    But if you're buying, I'm enjoying.

  5. One of my favorite 24-hr bars in New Orleans the Avenue Pub, on St. Charles Ave just past the expressways headed uptown from the Quarter/CBD serves Spaten on tap. I used to drink it with a dynamite hot pastrami they served at 3am when I got the hungries. The Avenue is one of the few bars to have a commercial-style full grill--massive commercial vent-a-hood--the whole nine yards and has a pretty good menu. Unfortunately recently for reasons known but to God they discontinued the pastrami. I'm pissed.

    But to the main point, yes, I like the beer, but as the reviewer said, a little sweet and best taken with food--although lack of same has never stopped the likes of me. I ain't picky and besides, to serious alcoholics, "eatin's cheatin!" LOL!

  6. PS:New Orleans has been without a serious good German restaurant ever since Kolb's in the CBD closed over two decades ago. I create my own "Octoberfest" dish/meal by combining a good German dark (or two or five) with brats and lots of PLAIN yellow mustard, red-potato German potato salad, cold slaw, pumpernickle, a slab of good sharp chedder, and some Clausens garlic PolskyWyrob pickles. ummm-ummm-ummm

  7. Virgil, the hot pastrami and beer made my mouth water.

    The weather has been much better here - of course, our house is dried in now.

  8. It's 8:45am here - and suddenly I'm craving a Carlsberg Elephant Beer and a thick slice of Pumpernickel.

  9. Rude1: Today is gonna be a re-run of yesterday! I'm likin' this.

    Gordon: I hear that... and I feel yore pain.

    Andy: Thank ya, Sir.

    Darryl: Yeah, two is about it for me as well. I'm real light in the ass and alcohol gets to me rather quickly. As a matter of fact, we did the one Optimator and followed up with a couple of Franiskaners, which is a much more reasonable 5% ABV. That was more than enough to give us a damned good buzz.

    Virgil: I haven't been in a good German restaurant in a coon's age. Like you, I make my own. I was SORELY tempted to whip up something along those lines yesterday but I had other fare on the program.

    A bar with your favorite beer on tap is one of life's biggest joys! Check out MacGregor's... the Perinton store was in walking distance of my house when I lived in Noo Yawk. 44 beers on tap!

    Lou: Mymouth watered, too. I'm glad your weather has turned.

    Kris: Heh. Now you have an ideer for lunch, which has already passed I notice by looking at Mickey's big hand...

  10. Well as good an idea as it might be for lunch, my employer in corporate america would likely frown on the beer breath as I, um, stumbled to my desk.

    Being that I am truly a lightweight when it comes to alcohol.



Just be polite... that's all I ask.