Friday, February 19, 2010


Blog-Bud Alison put up a post that struck a chord with me, for obvious reasons:  Happy Hour.  Said post is artfully done, consisting solely of a beautiful photo of a bottle of Bombay Sapphire and a delectable potion derived from that source, backed up with an appropriate quote from George Bernard Shaw.  We didn't recognize the quote and went and consulted the Modern Oracle for its source, stumbling upon a veritable treasure trove of quotes on the subject at hand.  My favorite of which is this:
"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." - Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790)
It's been said our Founding Fathers were wise, but Ol' Ben was wiser than most. I've trotted out this quote many times in the past and will doubtlessly use it many more times in the future.  But... we shall quit talking about beer and go put it to its intended use.  The Deity At Hand approves.  Ben said so.


  1. hhmm... gin (ESPECIALLY Bombay Sapphire) is my tonic of choice as well... and her posting did make me *drool* all ovr my work keyboard. Not graceful whatsoever, but meh, one learns to deal with it!

    I have several quotes I love about alcohol and boozing in general - one of which I quoted in my response to Old Iron's recent blog posting - here is one that I also enjoy because I do think... well, its funny and true!

    Abstainer: a weak person who yields to the temptation of denying himself a pleasure. ~Ambrose Bierce

  2. I'm a Tanqueray guy meself, KC. But Sapphire is good, I'll give ya that! Nice quote, too!

    You, too, Morgan!

  3. Very inspirational - makes me want to start my own happy hour.

  4. Happy Hour is a Good Thing, Lou!

  5. I think I need a "Happy Weekend". It was a loooong week. Albeit a good one. Appropriated myself a fifth of Pendleton for to acheive that end. Cheers, Buck!

  6. B: I'm still on the look-out for Pendleton. Some day...



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