Monday, January 18, 2010

Now THIS Is Plane Pr0n!

I was gonna save this for tomorrow but I can't wait.  It's just too cool.

Lifted from AirPigz... who note, quite rightly:
This incredible vid wasn't just shot with a Flip Video camera, it is a flip video!  Raw footage, with no music to mess it up, from the backseat of Blue Angels F-18 #7 during an airshow.    Sure, a 'media' ride would be really nice, but c'mon, this is what we all want... the chance to experience the insanely close formation at high speeds with lots of unusual attitudes!
Note the maniacal laughter you hear in the background occasionally.  I'm thinkin' I'd react exactly the same way... assuming my head wasn't stuck in the barf bag.

h/t: via a tweet from GoodPilotNews.


  1. Remember Adam Savage in Blue Angel number 7 at El Centro!

  2. Buck,

    He's talking about the Mythbusters episode where they tried to break glass with a sonic boom and Adam got to ride down low and fast in #7. He also spent some quality time with the food return bag ;-)

    Great video - thanks for posting it!

  3. That was cool. I especially liked the occasional "yeha!"

  4. Holy S**T! They are close together. I put it on full screen and pretended I was there!

    I like the "yee haw!"'s that you hear every once in a while..

  5. Thanks, Jeff. I saw that episode, now that you mention it. I'm just not on a first name basis with the guys on the show.

    Lou and Staci: Glad you liked it, Ladies!

  6. More proof... the finest aviators in the world. Bar none. Just sayin. ;)

  7. Sweet video! Those guys are the best of the best of the doubt about it.

  8. Re: barf bag. I used to get a twinge of vertigo every time we closed for air refueling. There is a certain point where my brain did a pause. Before and after that point there was nothing. After 15 years I still had that little blip as we closed for hookup. The only time I got close to barfing though, was in the Pacific Ocean doing some salmon fishing 10 miles out from Astoria in the fog. Man I was sickly the whole day.

    Great video thanks!

  9. I'm very curious about Anonymous! I'd bet he never told the flight surgeon about that "little blip."

    My dad got a ride with the Thunderbirds once. He told me that they clip a barf bag right in front of your face, and don't consider it a successful flight unless the pax uses it.

    Let's just say that those demo rides don't consist of a lot of straight & level flight.

  10. Sam & BR: Homers! The 'Birds are every bit as good if not better.

    Anon: Thanks for that. The only time I get motion sickness is if I try and read in a moving car. Weird, innit?

    Gordon: I have a demo ride barf bag story but I've been sworn to secrecy. It wasn't me... I envy the HELL out of your Dad, too.

  11. Now that was some good pron!

    I hate to admit it, but I do like the angels a bit better. I spent several years working next to the birds and got to watch them all the time. I even turned down a tour as their maintenance supervisor at the end of my career.

    I remember the angels came to Nellis once, and did a practice show right after the birds. They were so much better the birds got mad and immediately went out and did another practice. Three shows in one day, awesome.

    I had many rides in the back of the F-16, and thankfully only had to use the bag on a couple.

    Great post Buck!

  12. Ah, Rude. Ya coulda gone ALL day without that "I think they're better" stuff. SN2 is gonna be all over my ass now. ;-)


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