Tuesday, January 19, 2010

How'd We Miss This?

So... browsing around in SiteMeter I happened upon a mystery entry in my referral pages and I checked it out, natch'ly.  And saw this (the highlighted areas, click to embiggen):
You'll note a mention in the Clovis News-Journal ain't exactly an Instalanche:

Nineteen whole visits!  Yes!  Ah, well. Fame is fleeting and it sometimes flies beneath the radar... not trying to be self-contradicting or anything.  And timing is everything.  I mean... New Year's Eve?  Yeah, that's right up there in the Top Ten hottest days in the news cycle, innit?
But.  Thanks, CNJ.  It's never too late to show one's appreciation.

Update 01/18/2010 0950 hrs.: Added the link.


  1. Congrats, Buck! You deserve some publicity ;-)

  2. Hmm, livin' the dream...in Portales no less.

  3. Thanks, guys. And Lou... it takes someone who's actually been here to appreciate the irony in that statement, no? But, Hey! If the shoe fits...

  4. Ohhh, wow!!! You're famous!! (Or even more famous, or almost famous, or --- hmm, notorious???) :)

  5. I'd go for your last, Kath... in certain (small) circles. ;-)

  6. Ah, it beats a mention in the Police News. Small town life is excruciating to some, heaven to others.

  7. Gordon: Small town life fits these days but if I were 20 years younger I wouldn't be here. Maybe even ten years younger. ;-)


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