A couple o' few days ago I put up some photos of a bid'niz trip The Second Mrs. Pennington and I took to Beijing back in 1991 and said I never got around to scanning the photos from that trip. Well, I'm in the process of doing that... scanning... and adding pics to the original posts about that trip. Which, of course, is nothing but a sneaky way of saying you're gonna get re-runs today. So... without further ado, here are the first two installments of those old posts... originally published back in November of 2006.
“Nothing is forever.” That was brought home to me (once again) this past week when I got rid of another relic from “Former Happy Days.” This time it was an old, old dishcloth that’s been hanging around for…oh…about the last 15 years or so. I only got rid of it because in the course of drying a dish I ripped a big hole in the thread-bare fabric. I probably should have tossed the thing at least a year ago but…it was special.
Flying in business class is most definitely better than cattle-car: service is attentive, the food is actually edible (and quite good), you eat off of real china, using real silver, the drinks are free, and the seats are roomier than those in coach. At least that’s the way it was, it could have changed by now. All in all, the 16 hours in the air betweenDetroit and Hong Kong plus a two-hour layover in Narita (Tokyo ) passed uneventfully and fairly comfortably.

Hong Kong was a blur. We arrived sometime in the early evening, say around 1800 hrs or so, jet-lagged and quite tired. Frank Wong, EDS’ manager in Hong Kong at the time, met us at the airport and was a great help getting us out of the airport quickly and efficiently. The three of us took a taxi to our hotel and Frank waited in the bar while TSMP and I checked in, went up to our room to freshen up and change clothes, and return to the bar in short order. Frank and I did the requisite business over a couple of drinks and then Frank graciously offered to “show us around.” TSMP’s eyes lit up like the Fourth of July at Frank’s offer, jet lag seemingly gone, and we were out the door and into the street in short order. We didn’t get back to the hotel until the wee, wee hours of the morning…like 0400 or so. (Photo - TSMP on a HK street)
Frank is a Chinese-American, speaks fluent Chinese, and knows/knewHong Kong like the back of his hand. HK is also one of those “cities that never sleep” and the three of us spent the night/morning cruising around some of the lesser known streets and alleys of Hong Kong eating, drinking, and just letting it all soak in. A marvelous time with lots of laughs, punctuated with Frank’s repeated offers to host TSMP if she’d only stay in HK while I went to Beijing to conduct my business. She kept refusing and he kept offering…all evening. I half-think he was serious. Anyhoo…the experience was a lot of fun and much, much different from the first and only other time I’d been in Hong Kong.
A Lengthy Reminiscence...in Two Parts
(Part One of a lengthy two- [or perhaps more] part post.)
Hey, come on try a little
Nothing is forever
There's got to be something better than
In the middle
But me & Cinderella,
We put it all together
We can drive it home
With one headlight
Nothing is forever
There's got to be something better than
In the middle
But me & Cinderella,
We put it all together
We can drive it home
With one headlight
-The Wallflowers

And what’s special about a dishcloth, you ask? It was a gift; a gift from a man who owns a construction company in Tokyo and as such was emblazoned with his company’s logo and the ubiquitous “Green Cross” signifying on-the-job safety. So, the dishrag wasn’t really a dishrag; I just used it as one. It was actually a small terry cloth towel of a type typically worn by Japanese construction workers under their hardhats, much as we would wear a head-band. The man who gifted me the dishrag/head cloth—at my request—was one of The Second Mrs. Pennington’s “host fathers” from back in the day when she was a Rotary high school exchange student in Japan and the occasion was a visit to this man’s home outside of Tokyo in the early ‘90s. And, of course, the act of throwing out the dishrag prompted me to reflect on its origins and the circumstances leading up to my acquisition of same.
Along about this time back in 1991 or so, TSMP and I were making preparations for a trip to Beijing . I was working on a consulting project to develop a Request for Proposal for a packet-switched data network for the Ministry of Railways in the Peoples Republic of China . The client requested a final page-by-page edit of the RFP be done on-site at their offices in Beijing , before the end of the year.
To make a long story short, I convinced TSMP it would be a “good thing” if she came along. It didn’t take much to convince her, especially once I agreed that we would combine the trip to Beijing with a week’s vacation in Tokyo on the way home. We would fly from Detroit to Hong Kong , spend a day there liaising with the manager of EDS’ Hong Kong offices (we had no presence in Beijing ), fly on to Beijing , do the job, and then return to Detroit via Tokyo . The only fly in the ointment was TSMP’s reluctance to drop a significant sum of money on her ticket; she saw no value at all in spending the additional money to upgrade her ticket from cattle-car to business class. (EDS’ travel policy at the time provided business class tickets for all flights over ten hours in duration; thus they were springing for a business class ticket. For me. TSMP’s ticket was on our dime.) I finally overcame her objections by pointing out the airline probably wouldn’t allow us to switch seats back and forth during the flight—as she wanted to do—and that 16 hours in a coach seat would be just a bit too much.
So, after much preparation, including a frantic one-day drive from Detroit to the Chinese consulate in Chicago and back to get our last-minute visas walked through the bureaucracy, we were off to Beijing . The next installment of this two-part post will contain my impressions of Beijing …as best as I can remember them.
Stay tuned.
(Photos added for update - Biz Class Menus. Click for larger)
Hong Kong and On to Beijing... (Part Two of "A Lengthy Reminiscence")

I tore up El Casa Móvil De Pennington last evening searching for something that doesn’t exist, or at least doesn’t exist in this little corner of the space-time continuum. I seemed to remember examining the contents of a shopping bag while I was looking for something else in the not-so-distant past. That shopping bag, emblazoned with “White Peacock Shopping Center ” (or white mouse, white elephant, or something white, anyway) contained some souvenirs of the Beijing trip. I was hoping to find the bag so I could use those souvenirs to jog the ol’ memory as I try to complete the tale begun yesterday. Alas: nothing. Well, a little something, anyway. I did find a box of old business cards printed for the trip, English on the one side and Chinese on the other. And $85.00 in Canadian money, for what that’s worth.
About the cards…Chinese is a phonic language, meaning that various ideograms can be read in entirely different ways and can have different meanings, depending on the context of what you’re writing about. The ideograms on my business card read something like Nō-maan Pen-ling-tōn, and supposedly mean (literally) “Silken Net of Words.” I got the literal translation from someone I trust but the characters could actually say “Has an Unhealthy Affinity for Goats” for all I know. No one laughed when I passed them out in Beijing , though, and that’s a good thing.
On with our story.
Flying in business class is most definitely better than cattle-car: service is attentive, the food is actually edible (and quite good), you eat off of real china, using real silver, the drinks are free, and the seats are roomier than those in coach. At least that’s the way it was, it could have changed by now. All in all, the 16 hours in the air between
Flying into Hong Kong , at least into the old Kai Tak airport (now closed), deserves special mention. Since we arrived in the evening we could literally look into the tower block apartments and see people walking around there in. See this link for photos that explain in pictures what I cannot adequately put into words. Landing at Kai Tak was an amazing and somewhat harrowing experience.

Frank is a Chinese-American, speaks fluent Chinese, and knows/knew
Two Pics - The Morning We Left Hong Kong
TSMP and I slept in that morning and took breakfast in our room. Since our flight to Beijing didn’t leave until late afternoon we checked out of the hotel at the last possible minute, left our bags with the concierge and hit the streets again to do a bit of exploring and, of course, lots of picture taking.Our departure from Kai Tak was uneventful…the plane took off on time and it was a Boeing 7xx, thankfully, rather than a Soviet-bloc Tupolev or Antonov as I had feared when I learned we were flying Air China from HK to Beijing. The landing in Beijing , on the other hand, was a white-knuckle affair. Our descent seemed to take forever as we let down gradually into the thickest of pea-soup fogs I can remember. The first and only indication we were even close to the ground was the thump of the landing gear as we touched down. I’m not what one would call a comfortable flyer, and that experience was semi-terrifying especially given the reputation of third-world airlines. But we made it. I’m still not sure how the flight crew found the terminal, but they did.
Deplaning and walking through the terminal into the customs and immigration area was…uh…interesting. There were lots of young, very young, Peoples Liberation Army soldiers cradling AK-47s in their arms, walking around in pairs everywhere. And they didn’t look upon the people deplaning with what I would call “kind” eyes. I had never seen as great a military presence in an airport in my life and still haven’t, to this day. It was chilling.
Passing through customs and immigration was, once again, interesting. The immigration officer inspected our passports carefully, studying the visas for quite a while and asked us the usual questions… “where are you staying,” “the purpose of your visit,” “How long will you be in China ,” etc., etc. He finally stamped our passports and we went to the baggage claim area, collected our bags, and proceeded out of the terminal where we were mobbed by taxi drivers. I negotiated, as best I could, what seemed a reasonable fare into the city, the driver loaded our bags into the trunk of his car, and we were off. (I later found out I had paid three times the going rate for our taxi, but that’s another story.)
I told you it was foggy. It was also dark, what with it being around 1900 hrs in mid-December. And dark isn’t the word. It was pitch-black. Beijing , in 1991, had to be the darkest city I had ever been in. There were absolutely NO street lights what-so-ever and our driver took what I gathered to be a series of “short-cuts” into the city. We drove out of the airport (which was also very, very dark) down two lane roads that turned into two-lane streets for about 30 minutes before we got into the city proper, which was also dark. Did I mention it was DARK?? People and animals would materialize out of the gloom, flash by our windows and disappear, to be replaced with more people and animals. There wasn’t much traffic at all, only trucks and the odd bus here and there. There were virtually no cars on the road.
Things brightened up a bit once we got into the city but only slightly. All in all, it was about a 45-minute trip from the airport to the hotel, and TSMP and I heaved sighs of relief as we pulled up to the door of the Beijing Shangri-La hotel. A bellboy unloaded our bags and we went into the hotel to check in. The first phase of the trip was complete… we had arrived successfully at our destination.
I love the name – Shangri La. How romantic
ReplyDeleteGreat pics. I love all that stuff! I get very excited about travel. Thanks for sharing all of it. Hope you had fun pulling it all together. I’ve been doing likewise recently as it was my dad’s birthday yesterday and I like remembering even if its tough.
I’m especially glad to see I’m not the only person who keeps cocktail menus and the like! I have bags full of things I’ve collected that many would think of as junk but they make my memory click sometimes better than photos? They tend to mean more to me. Luggage labels from NYC and tickets. Or the on board menu from our trip to the US last year. Menus on planes these days for long haul and excellent and you get of course all kinds of multi media in the seat back. In business which I’ve travelled only a bunch of times and only once on long haul you still get the nicely printed menus like the ones you have in your post. We flew Air New Zealand premium economy to the US last year and it was fantastic. Just like business.
Ps I suppose the streets are dark on purpose so people have to stay home inside?
Very interesting read for me, Buck. I had the pleasure of spending some time in Hong Kong, in 1980, on a vacation with my Dad, so I have some background info in my head to place myself in the scenes with you and she.
ReplyDeleteI do have to say, however, that your Red Wings shirt is a true fashion statement. The only better accoutrement would have been a Bruins shirt, of course, but your colors probably endeared you the Chinese more than black and gold would have.
I am familiar with HK tourism at 0400...
ReplyDeletePeking doesn't look so keen. I bet there was some good touring at the Wall!
Alison sez: I’m especially glad to see I’m not the only person who keeps cocktail menus and the like!
ReplyDeleteThat was TSMP, Alison. I normally don't save that stuff. But I'm glad SHE did. I hear ya about traveling biz class or something like it. It's a LONG way across the Pacific.
Jim: Thanks. And yeah, we flew our colors proudly while in China!
Darryl: Beijing was the most polluted city I've ever seen. HK, OTOH, was pretty nice... what I saw of it.