Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Meaningful Content...

One of the reasons I'm a serious Red Eye junkie is the occasional appearances of Michigan congressman Thad McCotter, a representative who... unlike your run-of-the-mill congressperson... actually makes sense.  Case in point:

Note also the good congressman comments on the Hit-Girl trailer I posted a couple o' days ago, which is to say "Hollywood will be surprised when sane Americans reject this movie," or words to that effect.  This whole segment is a heavily edited pastiche of congressman McCotter's comments on last night's Red Eye... but that doesn't mean they ain't good... coz they ARE.  McCotter would get my vote if I lived in his district.

h/t:  A Tweet from Mr. McCotter, one of the guys who make tweeting worthwhile.


  1. I love McCotter!! I look forward to his appearances on Red Eye, too! I wish my Congressman was half as smart!

  2. McCotter is a sharp guy. I often listen to the Dennis Miller radio show, and he is a "go to" Congressman for interviews.

    He can "wit it up" with Miller, which is no light thing. We have some very good conservative congressmen. Him, Pence, Flake, even 3 very sharp guys from Louisiana (one my own John Fleming).

    The only axe I have to grind with McCotter is that he was big-time in favor of the GM & Chrysler takeover. I heard him defend it on Miller's show. I suppose that he HAD to be, since many of his constituents would be impacted. But, my Congressman represents a district with a large GM plant, and he voted against it.

    Regardless, I like the guy. He's the kind of sharp cat we need in higher office (higher than Congress).

  3. Cynthia: Yeah, McCotter can spar with the best of 'em on Red Eye!

    Andy: I supported the loans to GM and Chrysler, too. The secondary and tertiary effects (think: first-tier auto suppliers and those that supply THEM) of letting them go under were too horrible to contemplate. I really believe we would have seen Great Depression II if the government hadn't intervened.

    The other guys you mentioned... Pence and Flake specifically... are also White Hats.

  4. I have occasionally tried to watch Red Eye, but the voice of the host (and some of the other people on the show) seem to be designed to rasp the very cords of my soul. It beats me why stations seek out ugly voices, thinking I would like them.
    As for the Dolphins getting non human human rights, I remind the Congressman that we have given human rights to companies and conglomerates that are far from being included in my definition of humanity.
    As for Hit Girl comments, I am with him 100%. And more. Not one dime from me for any of this studio's drivel, never, nohow.
    The things that bother me about this show is the constant movement of the background, the continual hawking of Fox News and the awful tonal quality of the hosts' voice. OTH, McCotter is in that minority in Congress who would really like to accomplish something for Americans.

  5. I love Red Eye, Cat. I've never found Gutfeld's voice to be irritating... as a matter of fact, the only person that sends me up that particular wall is Miss Alaska. Her voice is like fingernails on a blackboard, to me. To each his own, eh?

    As for corporate entities and human rights... the gubmint granted corporations legal rights, not human rights... which are two entirely different things.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.