Sunday, September 06, 2009

Yet Another Slow Sunday

We only have a couple of observations and such today… nothing weighty and most certainly nothing lengthy. 

First:  yesterday's football games were very entertaining and about as good a beginning to football season as I can remember.  We began our day yesterday with Navy - Ohio State and ended up with LSU - Washington… and we pretty much hit all points in between, too, including every last bit of SportsCenter.  I pretty much said all I'm going to say on this subject in comments to yesterday's post… except perhaps to agree with ESPN's football mavens about the superb quality of yesterday's games.  Well, maybe just ONE more thing:  Good on BYU!


Those of you who drop by regularly know that my sleeping habits are a lil bit strange compared to the rest of civilized society… which is to say I stay up well into the wee smalls and roll out of bed sometime before the crack o' noon, on more days than not.  

So… I was awakened by a knock on my door at 0845 hrs this morning… an ungodly hour even for the civilized, considering it's Sunday.  I open the door and see an acquaintance of mine (scroll down to the 911 bit) standing there.

Him:  "You got any beer?  I'm really feeling kinda sick this morning…"

Me:  No.  (Which is a lie, unless you append the "not for you" bit which was thought but went unsaid, thereby making my statement technically true.)

There is a limit to my magnanimity, especially early on Sunday mornings when I'm rudely awakened from my prime sleeping time.  Jeeze.


This kinda-sorta makes a body feel good (click for larger, of course):

Note the photo credit for image Number Two, at right.  Wow… my work (ed: Added... the original photo is here.) finally gets published somewhere other than at EIP.  OK, it ain't NatGeo… but it's a start.  (insert big ol' grin here)


  1. Hey that's fantastic! Great shot too.

    Your neighbour needed beer cos he felt sick? Man how odd. And annoying that he woke you up

  2. Thanks, Alison. And about my acquaintance... Yeah, I thought that was really frickin' weird, not to mention annoying.

  3. The photo and credit to EIP is very cool. It's like you are famous!

  4. It's like you are famous!

    I AM famous, Lou... but only in very small and select circles. :D

  5. So, this person with a fragile pancreatic condition needs beer at Oh-Dark-Thirty, Sunday Morning?

    Fargin Jerk.

    I would never ever bum a beer from anyone early Sunday morning.

    That's what credit cards and Stop and Rob's are for.

    When I pop by I will be sure to bring my own.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.