Sunday, September 13, 2009

We Will Miss You, Buck

So says the cake:

Scenes from this afternoon's farewell party for SN1:

Buck and Family. left to right: Granddaughter Felicty and Great-granddaughter Mya, Grandson Sean, Buck, Erma, and Granddaughter Natasha.

Erma and Buck

Erma's extended family (I DO know most of the names, but there are too many to mention.  My apologies, if appropriate.)

So... SN1 is away tomorrow to begin the journey to Kandahar, which happens in several parts.  We won't go into any detail except to say the Farewell Party, Part One was quite nice.  Farewell Part II will happen later this evening and will consist of Adult Beverages and cigars on the verandah, weather permitting.  Indoors, if not.


  1. He's the one I chatted with on [social networking forum name redacted].

    Tell him I wish him Godspeed, and to watch his six.

  2. That's a fine looking family, Buck! You have every right to be proud. Looks like your boys have turned out to be fine upstanding gentleman.

    I'll keep Buck in my prayers.

  3. Give him My best Buck, tell him to keep his head on a swivel (as we used to say about working on the roof). Tell to keep a look out for a young Marine that calls home too infrequently!!

    BT: JimmyT Sends.

  4. Beautiful family! Buck will keep his powder dry! Hang tough, Buck-Dad!

  5. Tell him to try and have a little fun downrange.

  6. Damn! When I saw the cake and the headlines, I thought you'd been diagnosed with a terminal disease! Either that or Obama was deporting you under the Alien and Sedition Act--with emphasis on sedition. Then I realized it wasn't my mild-mannered hockey fan, but SN1 instead!

    GREAT PICS! Best to your son and his family. What a mob! :)

  7. Good luck Buck and stay safe overthere!

  8. Thank you all for your kind words!!

  9. That's one fine looking family. I am sure you're very proud.

  10. I see some Military haircuts in that great family. There must be some real pride simmering under those wonderful smiles.

    Outstandingly fine family.

    All the best to your son.


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