Monday, September 14, 2009

Two More From Yesterday...

Buck and Erma

Sean, Buck, and me

So... I'm pleased to report Farewell, Part II went well last evening. We began outside but moved the party indoors just after sunset due to the chill in the air: Fall is definitely on its way here on The High Plains of New Mexico. And Buck is on his way, too... I received a text from him at oh-dark-thirty this morning just before he boarded his plane in Lubbock.

(Photo credits: Erma's Bro-in-law Phil. Photos were just flying around and through the ether last evening, lemmee tell ya!)


  1. I wish him a safe journey and time over there and toast his bravery. You must be so very proud. What lovely precious photos and a gorgeous family Buck.

  2. Wow, Sean looks just like his daddy! Both handsome guys, I'm sure you are very proud of them both.

  3. What a beautiful family - Part I and Part II. Bittersweet moments I'm sure. Godspeed to Buck.

  4. MissBirdlegs in AL14 September, 2009 18:15

    What Kris & everybody said! I always cry when my kids leave. How'd you manage not to - 'speshly with where Buck's headed? Good thoughts going out to all of you.

  5. You know my prayers and thoughts will be with SN1 and his family. Erma sure is beautiful - no wonder your grand-daughters are so lovely. And Sean has grown! Great pics!

  6. Thank you all for your kind comments. MOST appreciated, each and every one.


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