Sunday, September 13, 2009

Today's Big News...

… is the Tea Party protest held in Washington, D.C. yesterday. And there's an ocean of print on the subject… if blogs were printed matter instead of pixels. Here's about a third of Memeorandum's front page, as of 1030 hrs MDT:

The general consensus seems to be around one million people attended the event yesterday. It's really hard for me to see how the MSM can continue to ignore this movement because it's beyond "significant" now… it's a game changer. One wonders what the breakfast table conversation was like chez The One/Pelosi/Reid, et al, this morning… (But you might wanna muck about in the Fever Swamps to see what the Leftards are saying, just to get a clue. It ain't pretty. You are warned. OTOH, what Mark Twain said: "Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.")

Dunno if this blog is on Memeorandum's page or not, but there are GREAT photos here. The h/t for this link goes to Moogie.


In other news… Our brain is not in Fall mode yet. We completely forgot yesterday was Saturday… read as: football!… until about 1800 hrs yesterday evening, or just about kickoff time for Ohio State - USC. There are certain benefits to being "not the sharpest cheese on the cracker," as we were spared the heartbreak of watching ND's last-second loss to Big Blue at The Big House. Just watching the highlights on SportsCenter was bad enough. At least four times, too.

That said… it DID make me smile to see USC engineer a late fourth quarter comeback and beat Ohio State… in Columbus. Couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch of folks.


  1. Yeah, I love how you can see a veritable sea of people, yet read a headline that says "Tens of thousands..."
    I think NOT. Stupid MSM.

  2. My favorite sign said, "It doesn't matter what's printed on this sign you'll say it's racist!"

    "Crowd size estimates" must be an element of "new Math." That's what my father always blames my math-challenged-ness on, anyway!

    On the college football front, the Razorbacks had an open date. And on today's pro front, the Saints had their way with Dee-troit in the Dome, 45-27 -- GEAUX SAINTS!!

  3. Watched a spotty performance by my Bayou Bengals last night. The Tigs were still out of sync on offense--too many guns--can't decide which ones to shoot. Vandy is ACTUALLY a very good team this year. Big linemen to match anybody's and some good talent at the skill positions--they're going to give a lot of people trouble this year. We have my 2nd almamater next at home, USL who beat Kansas State in Lafayette last night. (Univ of SW Louisiana--I refuse to call them by their new name: The Univ of Louisiana-Lafayette or otherwise known as the "U-la-las." Interesting back story on that. Back when was in grad school there they started feeling their oats when Edwin Edwards--now cooling his heels in Fed. pen for, what else in Louisiana? corruption--won the first of what was to be four terms in office. He was a Cajun boy from Crowley and was a big-time champion of growth in SW La. Next came the oil boom in mid 70s and some bright bulbs got it into their heads that that region was going to be the dominate player in the state and that USL could possibly outshine and out-grow the flagship school LSU in the states Capitol in B.R. So the school admin, local alumns and politicians began agitating/lobbying for name change to The University of Louisiana with the emphasis on the word "THE" ala Ohio State. And with Edwards in office as the Kingfish, they had a lot of pull. But so did LSUs alumns and the Mexican standoff ended with the State Board of Governors [dominated by LSU backers& alumni] designating TWO universities as "The Univ. of La., one, formerly known as N.Eastern.Louisiana at Monroe, [the Indians] to be called The Univ of La-Monroe and the other The Univ of La-Lafayette. IMHO the USL advocates were too clever by half and ended up screwed totally. Not only do they have to share their name with another school--what a come-down, eh?--but they gave up a very unique name. First, although they did keep it, USL has a totally unique sports nickname: "The Ragen Cajuns" and the SW designation spotlighted a true cultural enclave--Cajun-Land--as opposed to most compass schools simply designating location, but not any assoc. with a totally separate national culture as is the case with heavily French SW Louisiana. And, in addition, USL rolls off the tongue VERY easily. One can shout U-S-L! really hard voice-box-wise. U of L does not roll off the tongue so easily--and I should know. Having spent almost 20 yrs in Louisville I can tell you with some authority that U-of-L! is much harder to shout with authority at very high decibels. Just try it. Test it out at the top of your lungs. See? So USL gave much that was totally unique in return for what? The right to be made fun of by being called the U-la-las? And of course, the oil-patch bust followed the oil boom and devastated the economy of that part of the state which had surged totally dependent on the oil boom of the late 70s-early 80s.They should have listened to alumns like me and xairboss who tried to tell them the error of their ways, but NoooOOOO0 (h/t Jim Belushi) So that part of the deal didn't pan out too well either. They refuse to admit defeat, however [how could they] Their Web-site lists them as simply "The Univ. of Louisiana." Period. No -Lafayette anywhere to be seen. Dream on, guys.)

  4. I was in D.C. Buck, I know what I saw, people for as far as the eye can see, from the Capital to the Washington Monument and beyond.

    Yea, I guess there was tens of thousands at Woodstock too, but that was so much more "changed the world" don't ya' know.

    Man, I love this country.

  5. The "hate" for Ohio State fans is simply amazing....and while the Tressel/Pryor pair again shows it's a bad match. My guess is come November, RR and the tootless UM Wolves will once again be licking their wounds.

  6. Christina sez: Stupid MSM.

    But you repeat yourself, Christina. :D

    Moogie sez: My favorite sign said, "It doesn't matter what's printed on this sign you'll say it's racist!"

    This one is my fave!

    VX: That's quite the story. There ain't NO politics like Loosyanna politics... and now I know it extends to the universities, too!

    tim: So you made the trip down to DeeSee from Ra-cha-cha, eh? GOOD on ya! Years from now you can tell your grandkids great stories... meaningful stories!!

    Pat sez: The "hate" for Ohio State fans is simply amazing...

    No more than that for ND fans, Michigan fans, OU fans, Florida fans, and on and on and on. Show me a team whose fans aren't hated and I'll show you a team that doesn't play anywhere except in sandlots. :D

    As for Big Blue and OSU... this year's game is in The Big House. You might could end up eating your words... and I hope ya do!

  7. "Leftards," snort!

    We watched a little OK State - darn it.

  8. Lou: I only saw the highlights of the OK State game... and you were high in my thoughts, believe it or don't. Such is the power of bogging... :D


Just be polite... that's all I ask.