Tuesday, September 08, 2009

I Hate It When This Happens...

I was just thinking about putting up a post about being overwhelmed with Tweets... due to the fact that I keep adding to the folks I follow... and I needed to know exactly how many folks that might be.  And I got this:

Which left me thinking Twitter is being overwhelmed by their success.  I know they're not making money... what with having read several articles on the subject and having heard their CEO admit as much to Charlie Rose... but I'm also thinking they could go OUT of favor just as rapidly as they GAINED favor if this sorta shi-ite keeps up.

Just sayin'.


  1. Yeah -- I'm thinking flash in the pan. I tried to get into it, but that didn't work; it didn't hold my interest. I do think it has a place to get communications out when a problem arises, for whatever reason. Every now and then I'll get an email from someone I don't know telling me that they're "following" me on Twitter and I think, what the heck! I never post anything anyway!

  2. I shall not twitter. I don't facebook, either. I barely hang in there with blogging.

  3. Moogie: I really like Twitter even tho I don't tweet that much. It's useful for keeping up with friends and some bloggers/columnists... particularly the hockey guys I follow. And you're right about the "when something happens" thing... I was glued to Twitter during the Iranian post-election brouhaha.

    Darryl: I tweet... but I don't Facebook (any more).

  4. I think Im more barking than tweeting in all meanings of the word. Others might agree! ;)

  5. I was glued to Twitter during the Iranian post-election brouhaha.

    Me too btw. That country is totally changed and set for major upheavals soon. Watch that space.

  6. Are you on Google reader btw? Id love to find and share stuff if you are.

  7. Alison: I LOVE your tweets. I was taken by your pub pic yesterday and tried to comment but I got caught up in some damnable yFrog/Twitter registration/log-in loop. Hard to explain, but I couldn't comment on yFrogif I wasn't signed in to Twitter, and once I signed in to Twitter I couldn't get back to yFrog. MOST disconcerting! (About that.. I was ALREADY signed in to Twitter, otherwise how could I even KNOW you posted a pic?)

    And yeah... I am on Google Reader. I use it to follow a couple of most-prolific hockey blogs, which is to say a sort of "preview tool." So share away, please!!

  8. I need to figure out how to find you then. Im still getting used to it. Google Wave should be better hopefully.


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