Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Cheesy Videos XIII - In Which We Ride Off Into the Sunset

My first experiment with the MinoHD mounted on the mo'sickle... earlier this evening, in two parts.  The usual guidance applies:  BEST viewed in HD!

It's obvious I need to do a lil adjusting, in that there's way too much sky and not enough road.  But I'm pleased with this first attempt.  The camera was mounted to the bike's top triple clamp and the view through Miss Zukiko's windscreen isn't distorted at all... miracles never cease.  This is just a quick five or six mile blast westbound (south, actually, if'n you look at a map) down US 70 and back... shortly before sunset.   

At the end of Part One we make use of a turn-around and head back to P-Ville, taking the opportunity to wind Miss Z out to redline in the lower three gears.  I'm somewhat surprised that one doesn't get much... if any... sense of speed in these vids. When we accelerated after the turn-out we hit 90 mph before we throttled her back to more reasonable speeds, i.e., a velocity that wouldn't get us hauled off to the pokey.  The average open road speed in these two videos is 80 mph, but like I said... you don't get a sense for how fast we're traveling.  And by the way: 80 mph is usual, customary and quite reasonable in these parts.  Living in the sticks has its bennies, yanno?


  1. Well I loved the sky shots and general feel to the videos. Would like to have been riding along with you and I suppose this is as close as that gets. Really fun. I think I got the sense of speed OK too. Its amazing really how far away we all are and yet how "linked" at the same time.

  2. Thanks, Alison... and you're right about the sky -- it was beautiful that evening. There's not a whole helluva lot out here to look at BESIDES the sky, so it's a good thing it's as beautiful as it is.

    re: linkage across distance. Yet another "ain't technology GREAT?" moment! :D


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