Wednesday, September 02, 2009


It's the reason you choose Ken over Ryu in Street Fighter II. No, not because of Ken's nice flaming uppercut. It was all in the red gi (so imposing! so masculine!), and now science has your back. 

German psychologists have found that teams wearing red uniforms score 10 percent more than those wearing any other color. Because red equals AGGRESSION, DOMINANCE, BLOOD, DEVASTATION and CRUSHKILLDESTROY. 
 And the image accompanying the article/post?  Just this:

'Nuff said, eh?  Well, except for the fact I wanna see an article about people who buy red cars.  That deserves some research too, methinks.

Update, 1645 hrs:  OK, so I googled "people who buy red cars" and this is Page Two of the result (click for larger):

Go down to the fourth entry on this page.  You can't say Google ain't quick.


  1. There was a similar study done sometime in early-mid 70s that came to same conclusion, IIRC. Also said the color red tended to upset the opposition and put them off their game, as it were, in certain sports that required finesse like tennis, for example. Tennis pro Marty Reissen of Evanston, Ill (who's Father was head coach at Northwestern where Marty was Big 10 No. singles Champ 3 yrs running and a starter on the Basketball team in the early 60s) always wore a red shirt for that very reason as soon as the WTA allowed colors on the courts besides the traditional white/eggshell.

    There was an opposite theory, however. Other studies said colors like pale pinks and blues made athletes non-aggressive. Lots of colleges in early 70s started painting the visitors football locker-rooms pink as a result. LOL! And, taking the opposite tact, instead of angering one's opponent, Australia's tennis star Rod Laver started wearing a powder baby-blue outfit--shirt AND shorts--on the pro WTC circuit in early an attempt to lull his opponents into passivity. With his flame red hair he made a really weird sight on the courts in that outfit. LOL.

  2. PS: Buck, it's well-known among used car auctioneers and dealers that when things are going slow during the auction running a red car out always starts up a flurry of active bidding. My CPA in Louisville used to drag me to auctions across the river in southern Ind. in Jeffersonville/Clarksville which had several big auction sites.

  3. VX: I'd read somewhere that Notre Dame (?) was one football team that painted their visitor's locker room pink. Or maybe it was Penn State. I wouldn't put that past Papa Joe. :D

  4. I happen to drive a red car - what does that say about me?


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