Friday, July 10, 2009

Today's Funny...

... is from the usual suspect. And now it's out to Cannon Airplane Patch for the bi-monthly resupply run before it gets too danged hot to breathe.


  1. Buck, so true. I put one similar to this on my Myspace page, its a takeoff of those motivational posters showing some Airmen loading a Flag Draped transfer case into a vehicle with the following: "WAR Too bad the world cares more about Michael Jackson"

    Most fitting. I am bitter however, as my SN2 is slogging it out in Nawa, Helmand Province, Afghanistan.

    BT: Jimmy T sends.

  2. My heart is with your SN2... and he'll have some company (kinda-sorta) in the form of my SN1 come September.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.