Wednesday, June 03, 2009


A friend sends this along...
Virus Alert!
If you get an email titled "Nude photos of Sarah Palin," don't open it. It could contain a virus.
If you get an email titled "Nude photos of Nancy Pelosi," don't open it. It could contain nude photos of Nancy Pelosi.


  1. Which of the two would be worse, I don't know? Pulling hair out wholesale while removing the virus or all the damage to the eyes and of course the unseen damage to the brain-pan, you know the wetting of the bed and all that those images would trigger.

    BT: Jimmy T sends.

  2. If I was witness to the latter, I would be forced to gouge my eyes out.

    Too bad the latter would only be a virus...


Just be polite... that's all I ask.