Thursday, May 07, 2009

A MOST Interesting Quiz

You know I love these quiz thingies, Gentle Reader. But I like this one more than most. Via Blog-Bud Barry... Belief-O-Matic. And I just know you're dying to know where I line up... so... this is me:
1. Neo-Pagan (100%)
2. Unitarian Universalism (87%)
3. Mahayana Buddhism (86%)
4. Hinduism (78%)
5. New Age (76%)
6. Liberal Quakers (73%)
7. Jainism (70%)
8. New Thought (70%)
9. Reform Judaism (67%)
10. Scientology (67%)
11. Sikhism (67%)
12. Theravada Buddhism (65%)
13. Secular Humanism (55%)
14. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (54%)
15. Baha'i Faith (50%)
16. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (50%)
17. Orthodox Judaism (50%)
18. Taoism (49%)
19. Islam (45%)
20. Nontheist (39%)
21. Orthodox Quaker (30%)
22. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (26%)
23. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (24%)
24. Eastern Orthodox (24%)
25. Roman Catholic (24%)
26. Jehovah's Witness (13%)
27. Seventh Day Adventist (9%)

I suppose this explains why I wet my pants the first time I visited Stonehenge. (added: insert wry grin here)

Barry asked his commentariat to post their results if'n they felt like it. I'd be interested in seeing how YOU line up, as well, Gentle Reader.


  1. My top ten were:

    1. Unitarian Universalism (100%)
    2. Theravada Buddhism (95%)
    3. Liberal Quakers (94%)
    4. Mahayana Buddhism (89%)
    5. Taoism (87%)
    6. Secular Humanism (87%)
    7. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (84%)
    8. Jainism (77%)
    9. Neo-Pagan (74%)
    10. Hinduism (74%)

    In the interest of full disclosure, I was raised in a conservative Christian home, married a nice Jewish girl, and I don't know beans about Buddhism.

  2. Ah... full disclosure. That's an interesting concept and bears mentioning on my part, as well. I was raised by a lapsed Episcopalian mother, a father of no apparent religious beliefs beyond "martinis EVERY evening," and married two Roman Catholic women (one still devoted, one COMPLETELY lapsed). God only knows (pun most certainly intended) where my belief structure came from. I think it probably comes from being drug around the world at an early age and continuing on into adulthood... or exposure to different belief systems, in other words.

  3. Top ten:
    1. Unitarian Universalism (100%)
    2. Mahayana Buddhism (93%)
    3. Theravada Buddhism (93%)
    4. Liberal Quakers (92%)
    5. Neo-Pagan (85%)
    6. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (85%)
    7. New Age (82%)
    8. Taoism (81%)
    9. Hinduism (77%)
    10. Jainism (74%)

    Raised Methodist, don't care for organized religion, find spirituality in nature.

  4. i was 100% on your #22, but failed to copy and post here.

  5. Suzie: We're of the same mind, you and I. My church seems to involve sunsets (and the like) more than dogma of any sort. That said, I most certainly respect the beliefs of others. Religion is an intensely personal thing.

    nanc: Thanks for playing!

  6. So I have this image of a four or five year old Buck wandering up to one of the blue stones and making it yellow.

    I haven't taken the quiz recently, but recall that Liberal Quaker was at or near the top (along with some flavor of Buddhism). Roman Catholicism was at or near the bottom.

    I was raised RC and didn't much like it. I suspect it was a fine religion for its first twenty or thirty years. Kind of went down the tubes, after. A shame.

    Another Catholic-turned-Quaker once said, while tracing a circle in the air with her finger, "we picked the Christian sect that was so far away from Catholicism, it's right back next to it."

    I have another friend who was raised Congregationalist and had a chat with her childhood minister before taking the plunge into Catholicism. "Anne," he said, "don't worry about my disapproval. If I had it to do all over again, I'd either be a Catholic or a Quaker." No half-measures for this guy.

    As for me, I think I pray to the God I don't believe in but hope is there, anyway.

  7. Oh, my...
    1. Unitarian Universalism (100%)
    2. Hinduism (88%)
    3. Liberal Quakers (80%)
    4. Orthodox Judaism (80%)
    5. Neo-Pagan (79%)
    6. Baha'i Faith (78%)
    7. Sikhism (72%)
    8. Reform Judaism (68%)
    9. Mahayana Buddhism (66%)
    10. Islam (63%)
    11. New Thought (60%)
    12. Secular Humanism (60%)
    13. Jainism (60%)
    14. New Age (59%)
    15. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (58%)
    16. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (58%)
    17. Scientology (57%)
    18. Eastern Orthodox (56%)
    19. Roman Catholic (56%)
    20. Theravada Buddhism (52%)
    21. Orthodox Quaker (50%)
    22. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (48%)
    23. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (47%)
    24. Nontheist (47%)
    25. Taoism (44%)
    26. Seventh Day Adventist (42%)
    27. Jehovah's Witness (36%

    I scored as many you. Does that mean anything?
    I do distinctly remember reading most of a Zen Buddhism primer in college, until, at one stage, I dropped the book on the floor and left the house. It had scared the chit out of me. I have never gone back to reinvestigate my terror.

  8. My top 10:

    1. Reform Judaism (100%)
    2. Liberal Quakers (81%)
    3. Unitarian Universalism (81%)
    4. New Age (81%)
    5. Neo-Pagan (80%)
    6. Orthodox Judaism (75%)
    7. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (74%)
    8. Baha'i Faith (72%)
    9. Sikhism (70%)
    10.Islam (66%)

    Reform Judaism? Color me puzzled. I would have expected New Age and Neo Pagan to be my top 2. Liberal Quakers? WTH!

    As others, full disclosure: raised in a fundamentalist Christian faith (too complicated to explain). Married a devout Catholic who converted to my faith several years after we got married. We both left that faith about 10 years ago. We've evolved to a more spiritual, most definitely non-organized religion, belief system.

  9. Scooby Doo voice, "Arrrughn?"

    Obviously, I fit in no box on my beliefs. Reformed Druid was missing. I am surprised about the top two, considering I was raised a Lutheran.

    1. Reform Judaism (100%)
    2. Orthodox Judaism (97%)
    3. Sikhism (91%)
    4. Islam (89%)
    5. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (83%)
    6. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (82%)
    7. Liberal Quakers (71%)
    8. Eastern Orthodox (69%)
    9. Roman Catholic (69%)
    10. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (69%)
    11. Baha'i Faith (

    I think it is folly to be so egotistical that my Sunday Worship actions will actually make a difference (Other than being the best person I can be while being nice to others) in what ever God has in mind for me.

    I call Bravo Sierra on this quiz, which was created by someone with flaws and preconceptions about spirituality.

  10. Phil sez: "So I have this image of a four or five year old Buck wandering up to one of the blue stones and making it yellow."

    I was in my 30s when I first saw Stonehenge... and it has to be one of the most heavily policed monuments in all of creation. Only the truly crazed would even ATTEMPT to water the stones...

    Interesting observation about Quakers and Catholics. TSMP flirted with Quakerism for a while, and she was raised Catholic, too.

    Cat: I think everyone scores 27... it must be the way the quiz is built.

    Kris: I found the Reform Judaism thing interesting, as well, as it was in my top ten. It's not too surprising that most of the world's belief systems mesh in a lot of ways, the personification of a deity aside. No?

    Darryl: I disagree on the BS call. I think the quiz was pretty well done and well researched... MUCH better than most. I dug around in a lot of the thumbnail sketches of the various belief systems and they seem pretty accurate to me. The expanded sections are even better.

  11. What do they say about not falling far from the tree?

    1. Neo-Pagan (100%)
    2. New Age (95%)
    3. Unitarian Universalism (93%)
    4. Mahayana Buddhism (87%)
    5. Liberal Quakers (83%)
    6. Theravada Buddhism (83%)
    7. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (80%)
    8. Reform Judaism (75%)
    9. New Thought (69%)
    10. Taoism (69%)
    11. Scientology (68%)
    12. Secular Humanism (66%)
    13. Baha'i Faith (62%)
    14. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (62%)
    15. Orthodox Quaker (60%)
    16. Orthodox Judaism (56%)
    17. Sikhism (55%)
    18. Jainism (50%)
    19. Nontheist (47%)
    20. Islam (46%)
    21. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (46%)
    22. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (43%)
    23. Hinduism (40%)
    24. Seventh Day Adventist (28%)
    25. Eastern Orthodox (27%)
    26. Roman Catholic (27%)
    27. Jehovah's Witness (19%)

    Pssssst...please don't tell mom!



  12. heh. Your Mom would NOT be pleased at this! ;-)


Just be polite... that's all I ask.