Friday, May 08, 2009

Super Slo-Mo Surfer

Watch in full-screen HD if you have the bandwidth...

The psychedelically radical video above was shot with a $100,000 high-speed camera called the Typhoon HD4, capturing intricacies of ocean waves normally imperceivable to the human eye. Shot as a teaser for BBC’s upcoming South Pacific series, the clip features surfer Dylan Longbottom in a 12-foot monster barrel.
Just too danged COOL!

(Wired's Gadget Lab, via a Facebook post from New Belgium Brewery)


  1. That is awesome (and scary). Incredibly beautiful. I wonder if the photographer ever even considers his own personal safety while he strives to get that perfect shot.

    Thanks for sharing, Buck!

  2. You said it Buck, "Just too danged cool"!

    The teaser works for me - I want to see the exit.

  3. Christina: I've often wondered the same thing about certain photographers. There IS such a thing as getting too close...

    Ann: We'll probably have to wait a year or more until some US network picks up the series. IF they pick up the series...

  4. The photography was amazing. I read another blog called Latchkey Man, who is from Florida. He has posted some amazing surfing scenes.

  5. Kris: Indeed.

    Lou: I was most impressed with this vid, but it looks like few others were... aside from the usual suspects. (insert BIG ol' grin here)


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