Thursday, May 07, 2009

Breaking the Seal

Well, AC season is here. Not yet noon and this is what we look like:

I "broke the seal" on the AC yesterday, even though we only reached 88 degrees. It was quite pleasant sitting outside under the awning in the breeze, beer in hand, but much less so indoors. So... on with the drone. I'm thinking Happy Hour will be jes a lil LESS pleasant today. We shall persevere, tho.


  1. Stay cool!!!

    We actually have had a few hours of sun here! I'm excited! But, I see another storm over the Cascades!

  2. We discovered our air conditioner was nonfunctional the first day it hit 95 with moderately high humidity in NC - and with the AC "on" it was 85 degrees in the house.

    Landlords are much quicker to fix things in NC than NYC; HVAC dude was out the next business day, replaced switch on compressor - cool, comfortable interior now.

  3. It is blissful coolness inside El Casa Móvil De Pennington, temp-wise, Cynthia.

    Barry: Ya gotta love rural living for many more reasons than one, eh?

  4. Wow - that hot with high winds. Ugh!

  5. Kris: The winds weren't high at all... at least for this part of the world. I sat outside in the breeze yesterday afternoon (at 97 degrees), and I was comfortable enough to have two beers and a cigar. Today, however, is QUITE another story: the winds are gusting to 36 mph as I type and the high is forecasted to be in the 90s again. THAT'S ug-leee.


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