Sunday, February 01, 2009

On the Menu This Evening...

... or it would be, had I not already eaten. But, metaphorically speaking, I DO have some black bird to eat. I take it back... what I said earlier... tonight's game was everything one could ask for in a football game, and then some. Which doesn't mean I'm a convert, by any means. Principles, ya know. I'll continue to watch football on Saturdays. But I'll watch the Super Bowl in future, as well.

Oh yeah... The Boss was good great. It didn't hurt that he led off with "Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out," which is my all-time favorite Springsteen song. And then he just got better. A most-entertaining evening of teevee, this was.


  1. Sounds like it was a pretty good game. I received a few text messages of the score from my husband (who was forced to watch it at the fire dept today. It was his first Super Bowl). But alas, I declined to watch it and instead did 4 loads of laundry and watched "My Big Fat Greek Wedding". LOL!

  2. I'm glad you thought so, too. I really enjoyed the game myself, but I was not sure if it was the friends or the game.

  3. Hate the Squeelers, hate the Boss(his Bullhockey politics ruined his music for me long ago), hated the officiating....O' least the game was exciting, if not well played.

    Baa Humbug! :)

  4. Jenny: It WAS a good game. As I noted elsewhere... I don't usually watch the pros. But last night's game had me on the edge of my seat throughout the whole thing.

    Lou: In your case it was probably a combination of the two. But in my lonely case (I jest!), it could ONLY have been the game.

    Pat: I thought it was a damned fine game.

  5. The boss is a slice of hind shank off a putrid donkey's ass.

    No talent, raspy bastard.


  6. I take it you don't like Springsteen, eh?

  7. Wow that picture is just three tons of awesome.

    I initially thought I should just let it drift on by, after all it'll never come in handy because I don't make mistakes. In the end, good old-fashioned humility won out. So it's stolen.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.