Friday, January 09, 2009

More Blatant Thievery

Stolen from a commenter at Daphne's place... oh-so-real social comment on men being sick (1:25):

Yeah... like that. Well, it used to be like that. These days we suffer alone and in silence when we're ill. Can I get a "poor BABY?"

(I'm not sick, btw. Just sayin'.) (and there's more rilly cool vids at the link [ed: clarification... there are more cool vids at the YouTube site where these came from, NOT at Daphne's place. Sorry for the confusion, if any.]... follow any link titled "Man Stroke Woman" and you will be mightily entertained! Some of 'em are pretty racy but I like that in short films, ya know. YMMV.)

Update: Oh, my. I have a feeling I'm gonna be here for a LOT more than just a while. Does this ring a bell, Gentle Reader? I'll not indulge in self-incrimination, but... (1:25)

Heh. I have a couple o' tee shirts that look an awful lot like this one.


  1. I wasted soooo much time watching these vids today.

    They're bloody brilliant.

    I've got to send Laura the second one you posted, she's obsessed with Clooney.

  2. Oh... me too! I wouldn't call it "wasted time," though. I haven't laughed as much or as hard as I did today while watching those vids! And... apropos of something: I really, truly miss Brit teevee. We could use a "Man Stroke Woman" in the US of A...

    I'm kinda sorta amazed at the dearth of comment on these videos... it appears I've misjudged the sensibilities of my Gentle Readers. But that's OK... I do this blogging thingie for me. Mostly.

  3. Wow. Just, WOW. One of the reasons for the failure of my marriage: I already had three children and wanted a husband, not a fourth child! That being said, the videos are extremely funny.

  4. The man cold video had me LOL and I thought of so many men to send it too. The fantasy shag video was funny too, but like the girl in the video, it makes me a big crazed too.

  5. Christina sez: One of the reasons for the failure of my marriage: I already had three children and wanted a husband...

    Are you talking about the sick bit? Or the fantasy shag? Either one could possibly disqualify a potential mate, methinks... ;-)

    And thanks for validating the humor in the vids, Christina! I was beginning to think Daphne and I are slightly weird.

    Lou: I know too many men that resemble the "sick" vid. And as for the shag vid? Yeah... smart men will avoid that line of conversation. At ALL costs. I wasn't so smart, back in the day... ;-)

  6. The sick thing, among many other child-like behaviors.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.