Thursday, January 08, 2009

Awaiting the Kick-Off...

... to the BCS Championship Game on Fox. I've been on the fence as far as who I'll root for... right up until now. But I've made up my mind:



  1. I choose the Gators,of course.....

  2. Didn't watch the game here (how could we when Hannah Montana was on?), But I guess if I had to have chosen, it would have been the Gators. But only because my stepfather once played for them back in his college days.

  3. Dan: Why am I not surprised? ;-)

    Doc: I'm betting things ain't too good around Jay's place this morning...

    Jenny: You missed a pretty good game. It wasn't as good as some championship games I've seen in the past, but it was worth every penny I spent... ;-)

    Hannah Montana? Aiiieee...

  4. re: hannah montana. Yeah, welcome to my world. LOL!

  5. Grew up a Gators fan, living in SW Florida....but in all honesty, the qame was a snoozer, that I really never got into, almost fell asleep in the last quarter.

    But at least not a blow out(like OSU the past 2 years).

  6. I liked the first half...close game.

    But Oklahoma kind of caved in the second half.

    Still a good game.

    I was kind of ambivalent, but not being a fan of Oklahoma, I was kinda sorta pulling for Florida.

  7. Gotta admit, though, the man called it in spite of his hopes. ;-)

  8. Pat sez: but in all honesty, the qame was a snoozer

    Did we watch the same game, Pat? The suspense was killer, and the goal-line stands in the first half were things of beauty... no matter which side of the fence you were on. Well, check my last. I imagine OU fans were tearing their hair out when OU couldn't get in the end zone...

    Jenny: better you than me, LOL!

    Sharon sez: I was kind of ambivalent, but not being a fan of Oklahoma, I was kinda sorta pulling for Florida.

    I was ambivalent as well, up to just before kick-off. On the one hand, one of my blog-buds is a BIG OU fan... and one of my other buds is a Florida fan. So... where to go? The tipping point for me is/was the general obnoxiousness of OU fans, with certain exceptions. It's a long story that has its roots in the two-plus years I lived in OKC...

    Doc: Right you are. Jay KNOWS his football, in addition to having a firm grasp on reality.

  9. i'm ok with it...we didn't get run off the field...we had plenty o' chances to put up the W and didn't...the talent was there, the coaching MIGHT have been there, i think it came down to the WANT TO. Of course, i don't go out there and put the headphones on every week, but i do question some of the play calls...i always like to dance with the one that brought me...seemed like we were lookin for someone else.

  10. The thing that shocked me about the game was Florida's two goal-line stands. I'd never in a million years have thought OU couldn't/wouldn't convert on a first and goal situation. Twice!

    I'm glad you're OK (ahem) with the outcome. Being philosophical about the Small Stuff preserves one's sanity.


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