Thursday, January 08, 2009

Apropos of Nothing, Part X

I counted. This is the tenth "Apropos of Nothing" titled post I've put up. But we digress, as is our wont. I'm just in from another mid-winter Happy Hour, the soundtrack to which was provided by Pandora. Here's one such tune from this afternoon's soundtrack:

I loves me some early Fleetwood Mac, particularly the Peter Green years. Those of you who know me know I'm a big fan of Da Blooze in all its permutations, but particularly from those Brit-bands of the late '60s and early to mid-'70s, who did SO much to advance the genre in America. But, all that said, Fleetwood Mac's later stuff (from which this tune comes) is as good as any of their work, and this tune is better than most. It ain't Da Blooze, but it sure as Hell is good music. O! The memories this particular song invokes... but let's not go there. Let's just enjoy.


  1. We definitely need to compare music collections. I'm not a huge Mac fan, but I do like them. Lindsay Buckingham is one of the best guitarists in the business.

  2. We had some Fleetwood Mac back in the day. I remember dancing to Mac while I cleaned house. Even now I have a few songs on my mp3 player.

  3. Funny you mention British blues practitioners, as I was grooving to Savoy Brown's "Street Corner Talkin'" on my commute yesterday and this morning. Pretty rudimentary stuff, but I hadn't heard it in quite a while, so I dug hell out of it.

  4. One of my all time favorite songs ever!

  5. Kris: Still MORE similarities between our music shelves, eh? I'm not a big fan of later Mac, but, as noted, I loved the blues incarnation.

    Lou: They do have some danceable
    stuff, but this song ain't one of those... at least for me. :-)

    Jim: I like the whole "Street Corner Talkin'" album, among others. Savoy Brown never got the recognition I thought they deserved, back in the day...

    Daphne: This particular song jogs many memories in a couple of different spaces for me. Had a lot to do with "life transitions" back around '77 ~ '78. And beyond...


Just be polite... that's all I ask.