Monday, October 13, 2008

You Can't Make This Shit Up...

Ah, San Francisco:

On October 12, 2008, traditional Columbus Genocide Day, from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m., the Navy’s Blue Death and the Canadian Snowbirds terrorized San Francisco, with the Blue Death criss-crossing the City from San Francisco General Hospital to the Bay, flying over St. Francis Hospital repeatedly, and low enough to read the words on the bottom “US Navy.“

For 25 years, it has been impossible to enjoy Aquatic Park’s beach or swim in the bay during Columbus Genocide weekend as the criminal air show and the deafening noise from the radio station broadcasting at Aquatic Park make enjoying this area impossible for those who love to swim and sunbathe. The beautiful 60 degree very clear sunny days are shattered by the deafening, nerve-wracking noise of these death machines, all brought to us courtesy the Democrat-Republican Parties. The fact that anyone, much less hundreds of thousands of Americans can find this madness entertaining is a sign of both a profound lack of education and widespread criminal insanity in this society. The only sane response is outrage at the utter contempt the Democrat-Republican Parties have for us, and to never vote for any of their candidates at any level.

The Canadian Snowbirds, the Canadian military’s death machines, have had many accidents, with the latest being October 9, 2008.




The nightmare Navy’s Blue Death flights and Fleet Week represent the obvious contempt the Democratic Party machine of San Francisco has for the people of San Francisco and our response must be to support a peace candidate for Congress, Cindy Sheehan.

OK, everyone in SFO isn’t as addled as the twits at SFO Indymedia. But common sense in SFO is heavily outweighed by the presence of the nation’s most concentrated population of moonbats, literally hundreds of thousands of ‘em. Which, of course, is one of the main reasons I left there back in 2002. About which: Great restaurants and the best city-vistas in the Free World cannot begin to make up for an ugly population.

The hat tip goes to Lex for this one.


  1. How very unAmerican/unpatriotic. Don't think I ever need to visit SF.

  2. That's a riot! Sad and all, but way too funny. We get the Blue Angels here in Seattle once a year, and people who don't otherwise give a squirt about planes or speed or the military come out in droves for them. We do, though, get a little chirping from the idiot crowd and it sounds a lot like the article you posted here.

  3. They got the Snowbirds?!? Lucky!

    The Blues are the Blues, but the Snowbirds...they're something else entirely. I love a loud, proud, and showy fighter jet display as much as the next red blooded American, but the precision and grace of the 9 plane Snowbird formation is breathtaking.

    I've only seen them once live, but I keep making a promise to myself every airshow season to head up somewhere in the northerly direction and catch a show that they're at. Maybe when I'm in AK I'll get a chance to keep that promise.

  4. San Fran=just another American Socialist Sheethole. I say, what a great place to test our nuclear programs.


  5. Jenny: San Francisco is THE most beautiful city in America, bar none. There are a lot of idiots there, true, but there are also more than a few good folks, too. I'd go back... but ONLY for a visit.

    Andy: One of the commenters at Lex's place said something to the effect of "that was satire, wasn't it?" His point is well-taken... And yeah, I would imagine the moonbats would bitch up in Seattle, too. "The Perpetually Offended," and all that.

    Mike: You're right about the Snowbirds. I haven't seen them since sometime back in the '70s and would dearly like to see them again.

    Pat: That's a lil drastic, innit?

  6. It is funny how some of the most beautiful places in our USA draw the weirdest people.

    I still remember my first Blue Angels show at Sheppard.

  7. Oops, it was the Thunderbirds.

  8. They get more creative every year - argh.... how low can they go?

  9. Lou sez: Oops, it was the Thunderbirds.

    LOL! You saw the better of the two American teams, then. (Parochialism raises its ugly head...) ;-)

    It's true about beauty and weird-os, innit? Santa Fe/Taos, Monterrey, and certain parts of Colorado come to mind...

    Cynthia: I don't think either one of us wants to know the answer to your question...

  10. I've lived here in SF for 7+ years and can verify that we have more than our share of nuts/moonbats/etc in our beautiful city.

    (And Cindy Sheehan - "bless her heart" - most certainly does NOT speak for everyone - most of us think she's batshit crazy.)

    I work near the wharf directly in the line of the Blue Angels fire, so to speak, and had the opportunity to watch them practice for two days laeding up to their airshows. Over my lunch hour, I went down to the wharf area to watch them closer...and as soon as they started, everyone was spellbound! It was like seeing a bunch of kids in a candystore--grown men looking at the sky with goofy smiles; cameras flashing; people pointing. I know I was walking around with a big goofy smile, as well. (One plane flew so low overhead and upsidedown that I could see the pilot.)

    All in all, there was a general merriment about the populace as the Angels dipped and dived in the air. And my entire office of coworkers were excited and mesmerized by their mad flying skillz.

    But back to the moonbats. They are the loudest segment of the population, that's for sure. Just reading the comments in the SF Chronicle about the Angels are enough to make me want to put the word BAT in moonBAT (upside the head.)

    Now, BERKELEY...that's another story altogether. I'm glad I don't live there. :)

  11. Hey Mezzo! Thanks for coming by...

    I hear ya about The Angels, grown men and goofy grins. I happened to be on The Bay at a corporate off-site (in/on a charter boat, more like a yacht) when the Angels were practicing for the October 2000 show, and the reactions were the same. We were ALL up on deck watching them practice and were the beneficiaries of multiple low passes right over our boat. It was EXTREMELY exciting, especially to my co-workers with no military experience of any sort (which was most of 'em).

    And I hear ya about Berkeley... I lived there for my first year in the Bay Area... within walking distance of the UC Berkeley campus and all the wonderful bookstores, record shops, and restaurants. And moonbats, too. ;-)

    Living in Berkeley is an experience I'd recommend to ANY conservative who doesn't quite believe the excesses, radicalism, and sheer stupidity of the Left. But there are good things, too... as noted.

  12. Hey,'re welcome. I like to visit! (I even voted for ya in the milbloggies!)

  13. Hey! Thanks for the Milbloggy vote, Mezzo! I looked last week for the final count (OpFor won in the USAF category), but as far as I can tell they haven't... and probably won't... post the vote tallies. Too bad about that...


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