Digital cameras are wonderful things… and one of the major reasons is the metadata included with each and every photo you shoot. What this really means is you know the exact date and time you took a particular shot (among a lot of other techie-type info), so there’s no wondering “where/when was THIS taken?” as you browse through your archives. Which is quite unlike going through an old shoebox full of photos, believe me.
So… the foregoing is an intro to a minor celebration of sorts: The Green Hornet is eight years old today. I’ve owned one other car longer than the Green Hornet and that was my Baby Beemer…which I kept for ten years. I obviously liked that Beemer and I really like the Miata, too. Both cars have served me well, both cars were/are great good fun, and I see no reason why the Green Hornet won’t tie my personal record for auto longevity and maybe even break it. So… in celebration, here are a few “then and now” pics… both of the Green Hornet and her driver.

I think the car has held up better than its owner over the past eight years, nu?
I think you both have aged very well! Don't you wish you had that long hair today, blowing in the breeze with the top down on the Green Hornet? LOL!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the kind words, Jenny. But... NO! I most certainly don't wish I had that long hair these days. I made the mistake of motoring around for a full day with my hair down... once. It literally took me HOURS to get all the knots and tangles out, and I never pulled THAT stupid stunt ever again.
ReplyDeleteHas it been raining all day out at your place? It has here...
nice looking body on that car!! and considering that the other body is human, I'd compare it to a good wine rather than the machine. Give yourself some credit Buck, you've aged well! ;-)
ReplyDeleteWell Buck, at least that car remains "looking good"
Yeah, what Dawn said!
ReplyDeleteWhy are you being so hard on yourself?
Mazda just knows how to make a nice car... mine is 7 years old and I still think of it as new.
ReplyDeleteI think both you and that lovely vehicle look great! Sometimes I look in the mirror and am shocked at how different I look from how I feel.... today I thought I might try on being 30 something, but the mirror just laughed at me! Oh well, most important is to laugh and enjoy one's life!
ReplyDeleteThe car is really nice. And I like the business shot as well as the last one. Nice post, Buck.
ReplyDeleteWhen we came out of the Portales cafe, the first thing I did was to look for the Green Hornet - yeah she's famous.
ReplyDeleteThank you all for the kind words!
ReplyDeleteBuck, we got a total of 5.3 inches!! Which a month or two I would have been cheering. But in the middle of harvest with 320 acres of hay on the ground, not so much. Hopefully it will dry quickly and we can get it baled before the next system comes thru next week.
ReplyDeleteOn the plus side, it was fun driving the kids to school with the 4-wheel drive. We loved hitting the mud puddles!
Wow. That's a LOT of rain for these parts, eh? Bad timing, too. I hope all y'all get the hay in before the next round of storms hits...
ReplyDeleteBeautiful Miata! I just picked one up used last year: a '96 with awfully close to 100k miles on it. I use it as my going-to-work car. It's so much fun to drive that a 35 mile commute seems to get much faster than it does in my "grown-up" car.
ReplyDeleteFirst time reader here - made it this far before I just had to comment.
Thanks for dropping by, Dave, and congrats on your "new" Miata. You're right about the "fun to drive" thingie... even a trip to the store is great good fun. And I'm betting your Miata gets better mileage than your grown-up car, too!
ReplyDeleteYou'd be surprised. The '96 Miata burns very close to what the '07 Subaru burns. They both average right around 28mpg. There have probably been quite a few efficiencies added to the newer engines - that might explain why the heavier car gets the same mileage as the fly-weight Miata.
ReplyDeleteI like the Miata for its general simplicity though. It feels more like the cars I grew up with.
Ah. I had no idea what your "other" car was, Dave, but I can see it now. FWIW, The Green Hornet gets right around 28 mpg, too. Which is pretty respectable, given as I usually operate at only two speeds: "off" and "on..." with "on" being full-tilt boogie. I can drive like that in this part of the world, aka The Great Wide Open. ;-)
ReplyDeleteThe Great Wide Open...
ReplyDeleteHeaded that way myself just as soon as possible. I just can't take Ohio anymore for a collection of probably irrational reasons. Mostly the weather, though.
It's a particularly bad place to be every four years, too. "Battlefield state" they call it. I think I'd be happier in a state that politicians prefer to just fly over, if there still is such a place.
It's a particularly bad place to be every four years, too. "Battlefield state" they call it. I think I'd be happier in a state that politicians prefer to just fly over, if there still is such a place.
ReplyDeleteWell... scratch New Mexico, then. We're a Battleground State, as well. But that only happens every four years... the rest of the time we're as "Fly Over" as fly-over can be, LOL! I personally like the WX... a lil snow, just enough to bring back memories, but not so much as to be debilitating in any sense of the word... and the vistas, and such. It really, rilly fits life at this stage of the game. Not everyone would agree with my take... but it works for ME.