Saturday, May 10, 2008

“The Blog for Googlers”

I’m thinking of changing EIP’s tag line from “If a Lifetime Can Be Likened to a Day…” to “The Blog for Googlers.” Or something like it. Why, you ask? Just this (Click for larger, of course):

You’ll note that fully 52 out of the 80 selected visits today (we’re up to 136 visits as I write…an abnormally high number for a Saturday) were people coming around looking for Mothers Day cards, images, sayings, etc., etc. And that’s not counting the folks who came by looking for bullwhips or “chippy dinner,” whatever the Hell that is.

Blog-Bud Morgan has already laid claim to “the blog nobody reads” as his tag-line, so I can’t use that. Besides being unethical, it wouldn’t be entirely true…coz I am read by more than a few Googlers. Alternatively, I could rip off the Marines (“The Few. The Proud. The EIP Readers.”)... but pissing off big, healthy, physically-fit guys with guns (not mention tanks and Apaches) isn’t a very good idea.

Ah well. Drop-ins are better than no readers at all, eh?


  1. Drop ins are definitely better than no readers. I truly am the blog that nobody reads! Me and my puny 12 hits per day...

  2. Ah... but it's quality, not quantity, innit? Or so I tell myself... ;-)

  3. hmmm, I'd be happy if my Dad would drop in more often at my blog, I mean he is one of the major reasons I keep it :)
    Oh well, Buck, your right I do have what I consider a very few "High quality" readers,
    I'm glad to be back, I laughed at this post Buck, Thanks for your cheerful humor :)

  4. Thanks for the kind words, Dawn. Maybe you just need to tell your Dad to "Read me! It's your duty and obligation as my father!" I've heard that sort of thing works with guys. Sometimes. ;-)

  5. The "copyright" to the tag line "Blog That Nobody Reads," such as it is, exists entirely on the honor system. You're not the first one to show some good-natured envy of my squatter's rights on the tag-line and I'm sure you won't be the last. But I appreciate the respect to the virtual-trademark from all of you.

    We all have it in common that we make up for in stamina what we lack in star power; therefore we all have it in common that some weeks we could lay claim to being "unread," and some other weeks our activity spikes.

    Anyway, it's wonderful to be sharing the experience with all of you. The Blog That Nobody Reads has the best blogger friends. I'm lifting a nice cold Republican-beer toast to ya. May your "sitemeter" surprises be pleasant ones, but rare enough to keep you appreciating them when they happen.

    And those who can, fer chrissakes don't forget to call your Moms.

  6. Anyway, it's wonderful to be sharing the experience with all of you. The Blog That Nobody Reads has the best blogger friends. I'm lifting a nice cold Republican-beer toast to ya.

    "Blogger friends" is a big reason why I blog. It didn't start out that way, but it sure turned out to be a big reason!

    And backatcha with the toast, Morgan. Prosit!

  7. Hey, Buck, if you ever find out what "chippy dinner" is, I might want some. Sounds like it could have something to do with oral sex and young folks, but I'm just an old pervert, so just about everything brings that to my mind.

  8. I'm just an old pervert, so just about everything brings that to my mind.

    Heh. I can and DO relate... ;-)

  9. Buck, I came here looking for your post on RV Trends and found all this neat stuff I had missed in between slow download visits!

    Glad I'm not the only one who gets more zero-second visits from Google searches than anything else. And it gives me reason to rejoice when the really weird searches don't land me permanent readers.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.